Where Will We/Our World Groups Fight Their Battles in the Decade, 2021 to 2031?
Where Will We/Our World Groups Fight Their Battles in the Decade, 2023 to 2031? Not in the known political, economic, social, and militarized places we see as War Zones now, but on our own streets with the hidden anarchy, racism, and populism of the extremist far left and right. They are right next to us, with a skilled, brilliant, and military science plans of influence and takeover via moving the public to believe their propaganda to distrust governments (see full text clicking THIS BLOG)
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Monday, August 31, 2020
What about the Dark Knot? Here's an initial purpose statement.
Where Will We/Our World Groups Fight Their Battles in the Decade, 2021 to 2031?
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Kindle and Soft Cover at Amazon.com
Book 2: extra information for the Shadow Workbook:
Sha Shadow Work book 2: Take your life back
Here is Book One on Shadow Work. The Workbook.
Click here for book one at Amazon.com
All books, softcover and ebook at Amazon.com:
80 Books at Amazon.com Charles Bunch Phd