
Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Gates of Hell, Cities of Hell: There's always been evil.

Gates of Hell, Cities of Hell: There's always been evil. It is functioning strongly these days, but all days in reality. 

Here are some M.A. Mythic Archetypes from Western cinema. 

putin vampire's blood




 Gates of Hell, Cities of Hell: There's always been evil. It is functioning strongly these days, but all days in reality.   Here are some M.A. Mythic Archetypes from Western cinema..



 Gates of Hell, Cities of Hell: There's always been evil. It is functioning strongly these days, but all days in reality.   Here are some M.A. Mythic Archetypes from Western cinema.


See in this mini-series info on Dornikov, evil, Putin using goons, and the process of using chem weapons, a process both Putin and Dornikov know, and like.


Turning all to Ash, how his process works, and why it is a cheapo bargain for him:

 The Dark Flower Bouquet:

The Gates of Hell: there has always been evil.

 Trendy Fashionable Putin, has his henchmen get dirty, not him. 

Putin's goons:

Putin's not new, just the dark disordered around for all of history.


 dormikov putin are vlad the impaler





 See our book in the below lists, at Amazon, the M.A. Mythic Archetype of the Evil Clown:






Evil? Who died first in the gas attacks of all in Aleppo Syria? This is where Dornikov and Putin, butchers, used the gas attack from their playbook. 

First,those with inadequate pulmonary functions:

Children: infants to teens


the Ill or physically compromised of all types

small animals including these pets: rodents,  birds, bunnies, and cats (cat's fair poorly with chemicals). 

But, soon, just a few hours after those above:



domesticated animals in yards

pet reptiles, pet rats, mice

That means: in hours, all living creatures

More on Aleppo dead:

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