
Wednesday, April 27, 2022

15 Areas of Propaganda and Kleptocracy shared by Hitler=Putin=Trump=De Santis, pt 2

Use this as a summary list for a column checklist for the documentary about The Propagandists, Rise of Hitler in Germany. 



Hitler Putin, and Ukraine Russia




Include these 15 items, add your own. You'll be amazed. 


 Putin and Hitler




Check back, as we'll flesh these out in more detail, but for now, they are more or less "titles or topic summaries":






 Make yours:

 psychopath checklist




 1. failed in life and career early on, drastically

2.  It took outsiders to correct all that, and put them on a path of success (for Hitler, it was Goebbls. 

3. Used the repeating of words with people and in speeches until the audience "could hear it no more". Trump is a pro at this.

4. Used emerging media to get word out

5. Used populists topics, including discontent, anger, blaming, dreams of wealth or power

6. Used scapegoats: enemies were contrived and narratives of them build

7. used photos and photo sessions

8. Developed with aids, their own myths, narratives, over time

9. used colors, symbols, words, in very advanced propaganda ways (Maga, the red flag of Hitler).

10. Powerful specking presence, known as "charismatic".

11. PR image: kissed babies, held puppies

12. $$$ to propaganda budget. 

13. Quick to eliminate inside team members, firing and firing squads, used smear campaigns, poisoned, toss out windows.   Quick to eliminate those also outside same manners. 

14. masterful use of lies

15. anger / rage



16. extra

systematically plans all 


lack of remorse, sympathy......of course, they are psychopaths







Kleptocracy, what, why, who, where:

pt 1

pt 2



Filthy dirty thieves taking from you.

1. Sleazeball:  Putin's 22 years of shoving Journalist out Windows and More

2.  15 Areas of Propaganda and Kleptocracy shared by Hitler=Putin=Trump=De Santis

3. The Maps of Trump, Putin, and Hitler


 and, today: 


 The Firing Squad of the Gop: threats, lynchings, genocides

What is the Bizarre Enemy Narrative:

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