
Saturday, April 30, 2022

Fahrenheit 451, The history of book burning and book censoring in Libraries

This is a bit of information on the movie Fahrenheit 451, a movie about a dystopic world where the fire departments don't stop fires, they start fires. These fires are to burn books, and more. 

See the post about book burnings, curriculum bleaching, and library ethnic cleansing. 


This is the bleaching of the genocidists and populists, including the far right anarchist 


 See Book Burning:


1966 Version of Fahrenheit 451, based on the Ray Bradbury book. Some movie clips:






Fahrenheit 451, new version.


Both versions are available at streaming services. But, why not buy a cheap copy of both, and share with your friends?








1. An imaginary place or state in which the condition of life is extremely bad, as from deprivation, oppression, or terror.
2. A work describing such a place or state:

 Relating to or denoting an imagined state or society where there is great suffering or injustice; dystopian. 'a dystopic future ruled by sinister




Fahrenheit is a Dystopia Movie: for more types of dystopia movies, and sub-categories see:


 Here are just a few of the sub-genres of Dystopia


Dystopian horror movies
Dystopian adventure movies
Dystopian movies about the police
Dystopian futuristic movies

 Here are some suggested lists of Dystopian movies to watch: 

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