
Monday, March 14, 2022

Are Psychopaths Brilliant? "This is what the do best".

Are they different from you and others? Yes, here's why. 


 Dark Disordered are metaphorically in the story of Red Riding Hood


This multiple line graph might be symbolic of a person's life over time with many aspect of life represented by different colors: relationships, interests, work, etc.  What are those areas of your life? They include real "up" things, plus some hard to handle elements. There is both light and human struggle of a real human. 

 Aspects or areas
of your life over time.
There are:
many, like a group, bouquet
     or symphony or cast of
several major areas
a balance or a symphony
some shifts, changes 

Click to expand image. 

 This multiple line graph might be symbolic of a person's life over time with many aspect of life represented by different colors: relationships, interests, work, etc.  What are those areas of your life? They include real "up" things, plus some hard to handle elements. There is both light and human struggle of a real human..

 dark disordered: psychopaths NPD, dark disordered have uncanny brilliance,bolsonaro / trump / putin,

 But, the Dark Disordered have channeled all interests, intelligence, and learning into their one area of life, making their evil brilliant, focused, skilled, and dangerous to humans and mother nature. This is the Dark Stone Heart on steroids. It all increases over time, it doesn't abate or respond to therapies. 

typical human life interests
street smarts, methods of
war, bullying, marginalizing

acting, conning, propaganda
misinformation, recruiting
and radicalizing, false or
bizarre narrative developments

From early childhood to death, it is only the dark bloody red. This is The Dark Stone Cold Heart on steroids. 



This is sooooo important:

Increasing Insight to Self-Protect:  List 15 traits of the Dark Disordered (psychopaths and narcissistic personality disordered), in this blog and books. Then, write in Column 2 the phrase for each one, "This is what they do best", because, truly, their brilliance has all been channeled into these areas, and each is "What they do best".

 Increasing Insight to Self-Protect:
List 15 traits of the Dark Disordered (psychopaths and narcissistic personality disordered), in this blog and books. Then, write in Column 2 the phrase for each one, "This is what they do best", because, truly, their brilliance has all been channeled into these areas, and each is "What they do best". 

1. destroys or promotes erosion of nature, by....(describe)


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new book on men with narcissistic personalitty disorder

Kindle and Soft Cover at


 Book 2: extra information for the Shadow Workbook:take back your life, book, shadow work 2

 Sha Shadow Work book 2: Take your life back


Here is Book One on Shadow Work. The Workbook.

Click here for book one at 

 shadow work workbook 1 at


All books, softcover and ebook at

80 Books at Charles Bunch Phd 

80 books on bullies, narcissism, psychopaths