First, here's the list of who he'd likely NOT THROW UNDER THE BUS.
Putin would likely not throw under the bus
10 to not Throw under the Bus
1. his fashion photographer, or called glamour photographer
2. his fake or pretend girlfriend, hmmm, makes me wonder what's up..
3. his ice hockey instructor working at his Black Sea Villa estate's ice rink
4. his PR managers in New York
5. His evil henchmen arresting protestors in Moscow
6. Lots of young soldiers in tight uniforms saluting me (hey, this makes me wonder what's up. I'm gay and he strike my Gaydar Raydar. This interests me, but also really bums me out: there was a history of associating gay sexual preference with vampires and psychopaths.....and I then have to sort out a working rational for me with Him, is he does end up being known as gay 20 years from now, or in some expose book. But, in reality, of all the current world political psychopaths that are out there (I know of hundreds), he's the only one on the Raydar... But, he's a really bad one. Cruel. There have been other very cruel gay psychopaths in history, but not statistically more than straights. Still, some bad ones included the very sadistic American, Judge Roy Cohen.) But, I'm not going to say he's gay, I'm going to say he's a person I'd expect to see secretly cruising in the dark, at a gay bar, though Putin, if gay, would have a complex system to do so, and keep it all hush-hush. He would also just smash like a bug any person getting out of line in this areas, including contacts or information leakers. Smashed fast. Whack.
7. My guild of goldsmiths
8. My food poison taster. Hmmm, seems to have quite a time keeping those positions filled.
9. My body doubles
10. My woodcarvers who make such wonderful giant conference tables.
"Gold goes with any decor. I use it all over.
"Igor, can we reshoot the gold walls pix? I don't like any of these. I want 500 more before I decide. Use those two same soldiers, though."
"I don't know why, but I felt stand offish, and aloof during this photo shoot, uncomfortable. Something was just missing I felt that in my heart. But, I did like the moon boots. Our airlines are the first to have staff wearing those hot fashionista items. So, I guess it wasn't a complete waste of time. I just felt my smile was so fake, and I don't like to be so fakey. I so ronery"
"Now, this is more like it. Me and the boys are trying on some new snitzy uniforms and sexy hats. We all learned together how to make a photo pose. So fun and funny!! We're the only soldiers in the world with so much fun, sexy uniforms, and photo poses skills. In these pix, the world can see I'm not at all fakey. I'm standing, not stand offish!!!"
Just who would he throw under the bus?
Funny? These pokes actually come from recent news posts.
Article on "throw under the bus", see.
I've written lots over the years about HUMOR. Here are some aspects of Humor in our life:
1. It is human nature to do so. Scientists have been exploring when humor, joking, and being funny comes into play in the human life and mind, as well as that of the apes and domesticated animals. Recently, a study was released that showed that joking, making jokes shows in all human toddlers about age 3, that is, except for those damaged with early childhood PTSD, AND, those with the propensity to not interact with others closely and normally: our DARK DISORDED, psychopaths, and Category 3 Dark Disordered.
1. The entrenched and dangerous-to-souls Narcissistic Personality Disordered
2. The psychopaths, including political leaders
and not discussed in this blog, but in the books below:
3. The Dark Disordered most dangerous and psychologically bizarre: the serial killers, pedophiles, #1 and #2 with psychosis, added schizophrenia, anti-social personality disorder, paranoid personality disorder, the mass murderers with these complexes and "co" extra issues, the Sadists and Masochists
Please note: Sadists are Sadist, see those articles on that. Some assume this is just a sexual issue, and link it exclusively with SM, Sado Masochism sexual perversions. To be a Sadist or Sadistic doesn't assume it is also sexual, though there are the Sado Masochistic. They, though are not a topic of this blog, or books. There may be interrelationships, but for this blog, think of Sadism as cruel act, not often sexual, in our cases. For instance, Putin is truly a cruelty oriented Sadist, he is Sadistic. But, we have no information about his sexual activities.
Personally, I think the interest in 50 Shades of Grey was off, some. I'm for sexual liberation, people exploring their sexual side, and all of us being open to those with different sexual ideas and activities. There are those who may practice Role and Power exchange in sexual activities, but not be involved in cruelty, humiliation of the other, or self-humiliation (masochism).
Any time, when cruelty is present, I feel role playing, kids playing, and sex playing that enters into
Humiliation of self or others
Suffering, delighting in that process in others
and Cruelty is just wrong because it smacks of our Dark Disordered.
So, let's let kids and adults dress up as pirates, let's let adults role play and power exchange (reversing roles of simple benign dominance / sex methods leading) until the Cows Come HOME, but also let's speak up to ourselves and others:
cruelty (see the last 5
and pain are not ok
There are vast resources from good sites on the web about this. Explore. Some of this regards "human sexuality", fetish development, etc. You might begin with the Science Daily website below. Let yourself explore that topics, just like the other resources below. The more I find people explore, study, and reflect on sex and sexuality, the more I think they move away from concepts of cruelty, and true SM, sado masochism. Turn up your sex and sexuality by 10%.
2. humor can be an exclamation point to things in life. It's turning up the volume
3. humor has ways it's used to harm. Most of Donald Trump's humor is cruelty veiled. Humor can be ways to cut other down, get them to shut up. Humor also is a clue to what the speaker things: a joke about something, like a race, can be a clue to that person's actual racism.
We have to know the difference between Humor as
play, fun
highlighting dangerous things in a provocative or odd / unusual way
And, humor as a method of the Dark Disordered. We can also do this, and it is dark, as we accept racial slurs, put women down, repeat or allow cultural jokes. Etc.
Now, here's an excellent article on the meaning and origin of Throw Under the Bus, at Merriam-Webster:
Under the Bus' Come From?
What to KnowTo throw someone under the bus is to criticize, blame, or punish them, especially in order to avoid blame or gain an advantage. People so thrown are typically in a vulnerable position. The phrase's origin is uncertain, but it likely got its start in British politics, where the phrase "under a bus" was already in use as a metaphor for misfortune or a conveniently-timed accident.
What does it mean to throw someone under the bus? Well, for the extremely criminally minded, it may have the literal meaning of shoving a person under the carriage of a large motor vehicle. Yet given the relative prevalence of this expression (and the relative lack of such assaults), it seems safe to assume that there is a highly figurative meaning involved.

No one is certain where the phrase "throw (somebody) under the bus"—meaning “to betray or sacrifice a person, particularly for the sake of one’s own advancement, or as a means of safeguarding one’s own interests”—comes from. But there's probably enough evidence to throw British English under the bus.
Meaning and Usage
Given that the words throw and under are part of the equation, it seems safe to assume that throwing someone under a bus is not a terribly pleasant thing to do to them. After all, when throw is encountered in a phrase, it often is in such senses as throw a punch, throw (something) in a person’s face, or throw (one’s) hands up in disgust. Under often plays a negative role as well, appearing in such turns of phrase as under the weather.
So no, to "throw someone under the bus" is not a nice thing to do. Merriam-Webster's definition clarifies: "to criticize, blame, or punish (someone in a vulnerable position) especially in order to avoid blame or gain an advantage." But where and when does this colorful expression come from?
Throw under the bus became enormously popular during the 2008 presidential election, although it had a certain degree of prominence prior to that among sports journalists. When it began being used considerably more in the mid and late-2000s, there was a good deal of interest in the origins of the phrase, and so as a result the Internet is now replete with wrong information on this subject.
Origins of The Expression
The origins of throw someone under the bus
rest of great article:
Do spend some time at that great site, Merriam-Webster to find interesting, contemporary and important "Word News":
It becomes a sort of game, puzzle to solve, exploration via words, fun, interesting, helpful and amazing activity!
See the origin and meaning of SUS, and find how it moved into popular use just 4 years ago!
Doing these projects suggesting in this blog, with Dictionaries and Thesaurus' becomes an act of
Looking at our worlds
Slowing down
Pondering, even if it's mental wandering
And, this all goes into the brain, and results in these things:
1. Zen meditation, that act of presence and looking: open your eyes
2. Awareness of our world, including the rapid evolution of the English Language
(that's amazing)
3. a sort of Armor, armament, or tools
#3 then is:
- word knowledge of what is happening and understanding others / cultures / countries
- the knowledge to function in our jobs and communities
- the ability to understand others, motives
- fortifying our minds and brains, and preventing loss of memory, dementia and other disorders (learning minds get inoculation from challenging our minds, being a perpetual learner, and simply....not shutting down mentally. For info on this see under topics of mind and memory)
- To experience exploring, even post Covid
- Have fun
- play, goof around, just click here and there on a site that won't lead to more info on the Kardashian's drama, but the trails and byways of mental life: learning is fun. We are naturally scientists, Sherlock Holmes types, investigators, ALL.
Now, the above short list are real motivators to do this. But, there is also the effort to keep ourselves fit, on guard, PROTECTED.
Let's call this, keeping up fitness, skills, weaponry, and knowledge to, as in Harry Potter,
Defense against the Dark Arts, the evil of others. See, listed in the word cloud below: Whack-a-Mole
Whack a mole game: they keep showing up.
Defense against the dark arts course, Harry Potter is such a good challenge, because some of that courses instructors were actually the evil Dark forces.
"Oh, this pix still discomforts me. I can't get that out of my head."
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