
Thursday, March 3, 2022

Psychopaths: "Alternating days of Gaslighting and Sh*t Storms is Fun"

Q: Do narcissists and psychopaths enjoy what they do?


A: Immensely, in all realms of their being




1. they've lived their lives for "this very day" of the fight and the playing of the War Game


2. they have a chance to get the LOOT. 


3. their minds and brains are geared to this: much of their thoughts in life have been developing this. 

a.  they developed skills for the Gaslighting through "street smarts" cunning. If it includes acting, they have that, they are that.  They can, with an extra sense, pick up on people and social clues, in stealth mode. 

b. on days of the S*** Storm, it's fun for them as this is their life, their goals, and their purpose: disrupting others is just as good as a day or week of Gaslighting because it's fun to see others squirm, suffer, cry, beg. 



 There may be 10% of the population that are dangerous Dark Disordered. Serial killers are estimated to be 1% of the population, and child molesters 2%. Now, those seem small figures. But, if you go to Walmart today, and have contact with 200 persons, how many of them will you see, or if not seen, at least be in the same building with? Some say that the & for serial killers is less than 1%, but even if it were a fourth of that %, could you imagine the numbers of these persons in your own neighborhood, city, state, work place, and even, yes, church.

Dark Disordered

Serial Killers

Child Molesters



Don't be fooled by pretty heart stones, the Heart of Stone is cold as a vampire's heart

Don't be fooled by pretty heart stones, the Heart of Stone is cold as a vampire's heart

While the narcissists and psychopaths of the world are not generally also the serial murderers with desires to dissect, bleed out, eat, save parts, tan human skin.... the three disorders have some common grounds, characteristics:

there is no value in humanity, the human body, the human soul, or nature and planet earth

seeing people suffer is part and parcel, because suffering shows you're winning and superior, and suffering people then are the pathway to your victory and the loot

the S*** Storm is a method learned and used because Divide and Conquer, guile, deception and progress to the goal is valued: The Dark Disordered keep up relentless bombardments of all methods of taking and War. They may shift methods on the fly, but they keep it all heading to the end outcomes. 

They all, the Dark Disordered and the Serials share the goal of destruction of others. If there is charity or some crumbs of relief are tossed out, it's not from a sense of humanity, charity, a change of heart, sympathy, or empathy. If that comes out of them, it's fake, planned, and used in their War Game.

They all have anti-social personality disorder, a dangerous element. 

They are around you, but you don't see them for their facades. 

They have a brain that rewards them, and makes them edgy if not doing their thing, as the brain rewards their behavior with pleasure and energy hormones. This brain is bent this direction, from early childhood, learning to reward the person with impulsive and planned taking from others. While you and others may get this from a movie, a sport win, your team wins, you Zip Line, etc., this brain is fully geared in one direction, with hundreds of methods: the taking. 

Divide and Conquer has many methods for the Dark Disordered. They may use this in the direct attack, propaganda and disinformation cons, and the recruiting of followers. The serial killers and child molesters know how to stalk their prey, separate people from the "heard". "Grooming" recruits is skilled, as the Dark Disorder develop their followings, and the Serial killers and Molesters develop their own recruits. 


 Don't be fooled by pretty heart stones, the Heart of Stone is cold as a vampire's heart




These persons, all groups, have disorders that are 

developed early on

are a combination of something they are born with, but something they also experience as a child (especially their own trauma, witnessing violence among their parents or siblings, having early contact with violent acts such as this one example: having an older brother, uncle, or relative, and a 5 year old, with the other "predisposers", is in contact with the person who emulates animal or person violence, emulation and "love" of violence with weapons, dissection, sexual violence (contact early on with pornography with themes of BDSM, blood), person disdains care of nature, pets, animals, is involved in crimes such as petty theft, fire setting, or bullying with torture, and etc., etc.  (this above is not a statement about pornography or fetish sex, but regarding violent, controlling of others, unwanted, and cruel blood letting sex, whether it's real or just depicted, the 5 year old mind does not differentiate).


It is progressive over the Dark's, pedophiles, and serial killer's lifetime, as well as for the pedophile and serial killer. It may be constrained by  imprisonment, but it is progressive over the life, even if that person becomes more skilled and veiled in what they think or do. Of the types above, all, even if jailed, their thought life it involved day to day with what their disorders dictate:


All, if released from prison will reoffend

There is no therapy or treatment for these. In fact, therapy for them is just another way to "relive" their dark inner world, with their therapist, psychologist, probation officer, or church leader.  They may have ankle monitors, contracts to change behaviors, or new therapist, but do what they do on day one out of prison. Some pedophiles will seek victims within minutes or hours of release from jail or prison. 

NO PRIEST, NO SERIAL killer, NO entrenched narcissist, No Psychopath will stop doing what they do.  The pedophile priest: they will do what they desire and what their brain is geared to: quickly.   It should be noted, that for them, physical or chemical castration is not an ultimate intervention. Though the body may be stopped from producing semen, all sex drives and even ejaculation are not stopped.  "They" can have sex. The drive may be lessened, but in cultures where there have been castrated eunuchs, these men were often used as sex slaves or partners by women. While the ejaculate has no semen, nothing has taken away the "erogenous" zones of these persons bodies or the drives of their mind and brain. 

People with these disorders have an unusual almost inexplicable relationship with their friends and family members. For some friends, they get the fake mask and actor person, who is seemingly charitable, community aid, volunteers, is cheery. Some pedophiles and serial killers maintain families and are involved and seem caring. But, if a wife leaves them or is killed, they move on quickly. Some have had multiple families, secreted from each other, and had not moral confusion over doing that.  I think one thing that seems consistent and a topic to be explored: most experience real grief, perhaps an only time in their life when their mother dies.   This needs explored as to why, because cause can't be pinned onto the mother. I feel, from my studies of this, that their mother was the only person in most of these men's lives that was there, consistent, tolerant, and helpful. Mostly, I've known this through the stories of these persons, who had this short grief response. But, it's likely, if studied, that those who had awful, abusive, and negligent mothers, that there was no grief.  Again, the mother is not the cause of these disorders, unless she is part of that 3-5 year old's experience of abuse, neglect, and the modeling of inhumanity.  Other books on this, below at, have more to say about the Dark Disordered and the pedophiles and serial killers.  To see a good example of this, review this movie, and full movie lists in other topical books below. 

movie citizen cohn, psychopath


There is always violence of a physical or mental type to others, even if veiled. But, there is ultimately for Psychopathic Political Leaders, Narcissistic Parents, and all, no sense of "husbandry" toward others or even their own. All are just pawns of the Game of Taking, Game of I, Me, My.  

This is the opposite of care, though care may be faked well by the actors who have a lifetime of learning their theater role.

It is not (click on any term to study, taken to url of

synonyms for care

Violence toward the narrative victim, violence and lack of caring toward one's own allies, family, friends, subjects:


The political psychopaths, the con, the victims, the taking:



 The missing element of caring, even for his own citizens:

Dark Disordered have recruits and fans, but often also their puppet spokesmen. But as Trump showed us with his own, they are ultimately disposable. 

 False Narratives. 






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new book on men with narcissistic personalitty disorder

Kindle and Soft Cover at


 Book 2: extra information for the Shadow Workbook:take back your life, book, shadow work 2

 Sha Shadow Work book 2: Take your life back


Here is Book One on Shadow Work. The Workbook.

Click here for book one at 

 shadow work workbook 1 at


All books, softcover and ebook at

80 Books at Charles Bunch Phd 

80 books on bullies, narcissism, psychopaths