
Wednesday, January 6, 2021

When a Pied Piper is Gone, are they Really Gone?

When a Pied Piper is Gone, are the Really Gone? 


Actually, no and no.



No, they don't die. 

1. Pied Pipers just don't die. They may move on to another venue, town, or set of "rally populist followers", but they just seem to live on. 


And, they do what they do: they con, they take. They never stop this, they never change or "recover". 


2. If they create a void by leaving some venue, community, or group, they both move on to the next "bigger and brighter" coffer of innocence, value, souls, or wealth.....but, the void is quickly filled with other sub-Pied Pipers. They rush in. They need a place to do their own egoic thefts. 

Just on this very day, it was reported that Ted Cruz is jostling with other conservative populist leaders to take over Trump's current role, and take over his populist dedicated follower base: 30% of Americans willing to give fund endlessly, attend rallies, and absorb false propaganda and conspiracy theories to be spun in the future.  Will Trump easily give up? We don't know for sure, but only know he'll move on to a enterprise that is that of the Pied Piper: taking, servicing his ego, and filling his own coffers. He is raising 50 million dollars a week now from his voter base: this loss of presidency is the greatest money maker he has ever had, and he finally found how to work it all.

What we do know, is that this functions like a pack of lions or troop of gorillas: there are plenty of younger males ready to fight to the death to take over the top role. It may be bloody, or if Trump is so distracted with building casinos in Russia, he may piss on the Washington DC dramas.

No, they just get replaced quickly.

Who takes the Innocence? pt 3

Be sure to see how to use the photographer's cropping tool in this prior post, to understand then how to do this next step. 

And, here are the paintings you'll need: 


 Google search of Pied Piper Paintings




To crop out the Pied Pipers, to find that sub-story, so one can take a look at the character portrayed. 


 Then, what character do you see? Take 5-10 minutes per cropped story of the Taker of Innocence. 






It's in the Chidren's Faces: The Taking of Innocence, pt 2

 I'm a life-long photographer, though my profession was in the allied health professions, clinical therapist. On a recent trip to Ecuador, I used my approach to photos, and took 3,000 of them over a month. Then, the editing principle was done: take as many photos as you can because there are no more constraints to buy and develop film. And, of 10 to 20 photos of some scene, you'll find a few that are very crisp to use. The next step is not to edit each photo as a whole, but to use a real or mental "photography cropping tool". 


a. corrects

b. simplifies

d. but most importantly, it helps one to find the 3-7 mini stories in EACH photo that is clear, crisp enough to work with. 

Unfortunatley, this old method of cropping photos doesn't exist any more, because software has simple cropping features. But, this averts the learning process of the old fashioned photo cropping tool. 

To make your cropping tool: 


a. make from some materials

 b. buy one photo mat, cut into two "L" shapes

c. get two plastic "L" 

Get these in plastic in the crafts, school, or sewing sections of your discount store, or Hobby Lobby / Michaels, Harbor Freight. 

One benefit of plastic, nylon types, and a mat board, is that you can put it on a printed photo, and also put it on your laptop screen without scratching the screen with steel or aluminum types. 



Then, practice, practice practice. Move and slide the two L pieces to find the 3 to 5 stories in your photo.  Follow the advice in the link above.

This is important to use, the cropping tool, in real form, or in your mind's eye, because there are many paintings of the Pied Piper of Hamelin.

Take this painting: 



 Google search of Pied Piper Paintings




Then, use your cropping tool to find 3 to 5 sub-stories: what is seen on the faces of the children is symbolic and a metaphor of the types of innocence taken. Look at the faces with purity, hope, fun, delight, trust, enthusiasm, and MORE:

Now, go to these paintings at Google, and find the sub-stories, the faces of innocence taken:



For me, I see these themes of the taken, and:


loss of reaching out, touch, connection



some paintings have mostly girls, which could imply a loss of the feminine aspects / part / half of a soul in a person or in society

and allied with this, the final cropped story is of a little boy with spring flowers: that boy is not forced yet into the loss of this half of one's self, to have to act masculine, tough, be dirty (that's ok for any boy or girl), but the paintings of the children being taken: little boys are not contaminated with a toxic masculinity. They can enjoy a flower, and not be in a rigid gender role forced on them by society or families ("My boy is a real boy, all boy", implied one parent to me, feeling proud he'd reinforced masculinity and that his boy would not be neutral, learn to cook, be a feminist one day, and kills lots of wild game", and likely treat women, wives, and daughters as lessers). 

 Who is the Pied Piper?

A person, parents, a political group? It's a metaphor of takers, taking, stolen. 

This is part of the worldwide toxic masculinity of our time, and the last 2300 years. But, that spills over also to women ashamed or denigrating of the Divine Feminine within all. I asked a woman recently is she was a feminist (and DID tell here I am and why). She replied, as is typical for my area of the USA: "Well, I'm not a feminist, but I don't mind those women who are." I asked here to define feminism and she could not, but thought it might be aligned with "left wing communistic political groups that her right wing conservative family, spouse, parents, and conservative church were here on earth to fight".  "My husband is really against Commies".





Friday, January 1, 2021

The Taking of Children and Innocence, a Story of HORRORS

I've written for 20 years about the myth, archetype, and mythology of Sirens and Vampires as they exist in human cultural stories of all times and all places.  Initially, I was repulsed by these stories of taking, and the bloody crimes. But, as I found them to be essential warnings tucked inside STORIES, I've seen the stories differently. 







First, as I view what is taking place in a Vampire movie, I see the act of taking of blood as part of the greater taking by the Dark Disordered. The blood is metaphoric of what is taken. And, that is occurring all the time as Malignant Narcissists and Psychopaths take without compassion to the humanity of others. Included in a view of the Dark Disordered, is also the Sadist, who may not just take, but like all three disorders, delights in the taking. (The psychological and brain "delights" are really there, addictive, mood elevating, and cause a high, as my other books on the Dark Disorders discuss the brain, endorphine / hormonal, addictive, psychology, impulsive / attention deficit disorder, criminal / antisocial / sociopathic, and actual brain function deficits seen in brain scans of the criminal / might not believe it, MORE influences on that person, their brain, their psyche, and their potential to harm!!!!). 

There are similarities and a few differences with the Pied Piper of Hamlin, and the Siren / Vampire myths, mythology, and characters. 

1. The Vampire and Siren have a glamour, or hypnotic cast over a person or community. 


2. The Pied Piper comes with a reputation (though false, falsified, contrived), and may or may not be invited to do his job of salvation. But, there is a POPULIST sales pitch. But, this person is not selling just Snake Oil or Lightening Rods to the desperate farmer. The Piper is that psychopathic con artist, pitching a plan that will save, restore, and return to wealth. This is the populist appeal, which we'll talk more about later.  

The Pied Piper, after the sale is done, does then use the lilting flute to mesmerize rats and children. 

Unlike the Vampire, the Pied Piper has the blame for the suckers to use and state later. Populism has a bold statement of "You idiots, you're getting your own comeuppance: 

The Pied Piper in the end, takes the children. 

The children are symbolic of a taking of something from the parents, families, and community. We might say that the innocence is taken, but it is much more than that. The general definition fails because it 

doesn't show that the symbolic, metaphoric, soul part, entire character or role was taken. This is the archetype of the inner child. This role has all the human potential, is a scientist, wonders and wanders, daydreams, is inquisitive, learns, looks, tries, hopes, and so much more. 

To have this taken is away, if we look at a community as a sort of soul person of one, has no more good, potential, openness to change and new ideas.   Well, as I write this I'm now called an "elderly person". And, I can see what happens is life is just my Senior Citizens Center: bland, boring, no change, little energy, status quo, and lots and lots of JELLO. 


The Archetype of the Child as Redeemer

 The archetypal image of the child appears often in dreams, myth, and fairy tales.  Of the many representations of the Self, the child can symbolize “the transcendence of life as it is now and the potential for future growth”(1).  C.G. Jung describes the archetype of the child as “the symbol of the future. He explains that “(t)he child is of the soul—the product of the coniunctio between the unconscious and consciousness”(2). Coniunctio is an alchemical term meaning a union of unlike substances; a marrying of opposites. “The child manifests potential for greater wholeness by recombining attributes of both the opposing natures” (3).   The child is often depicted as the harbinger of some great spiritual change (4) and is the part of the human personality that wants to develop and become whole (5).

Though there are many aspects of the child archetype, I will explore three: the Innocent, the Magical Child, and the Orphan.  I will examine the role of the Child in two films and in one poignant image captured on video.  I suggest that the Child has the redemptive power to overcome life’s darkest moments and to facilitate the individuation process.

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