
Tuesday, September 8, 2020

A Siren's Call

 Whether the call that is hypnotic comes from the Pied Piper's flute or any form of Siren, the story is the same:

My story

Not Your story




Friday, September 4, 2020

Being Drawn Down the Dark Hole

Thanks S. and J. for your information on your close relatives with ties to QAnon and other conspiracy theories.

You've told me these persons are relatives that:

1. have sincere belief in their conspiracy theories
2. and likely getting deeper into it all, via online resources, connections with others, and finding validations likely from conservative media, and possibly others in conservative conspiracy oriented Idaho. They may also be getting some validation just from the "environment", where this Red State is full of survivalist oriented stores and info.

I would put in that group the abundance of ammo and gun outlets, but have put my own disclaimer on that, and put that disclaimer on other blogs on violence, human piracy, political psychopaths, and more. My disclaimer is this: I'm not against guns, ammo, those that hunt, those that collect, those that make their own ammo, those that shop at Cabelas or Sportsman's Warehouse, those that go to Gun and Ammo Shows (or like a friend of mine, sell ammo at those shows, and harvest (hunts) his annual elk).

It's just that in Nampa, you'll find an overflow of this. And, in Nampa at this time, it's not the abundance of weaponry, it's the sudden return to and surge of Survivalist stores. I'm also not against survivalist stores, or those starting or practicing that.

The problem then, is an unseen one: when is a person self motivated in their interests in these areas, versus those that are motivated by radical groups, radical websites, and conspiracy theories. And, are these conspiracy theories being influenced by:

A. the anti-social personality disorder listed in our "statement of purpose"

  • online sites
  • online chats
  • groups with intent of recruiting and radicalizing
  • groups that have known patterns of recruiting or radicalizing

B. the psychopathic politicians and greedy that soft well conspiracy theories for their own gains

C. the growing, growing memberships of these groups, of both the naive follower types and the Dark Disordered that will eventually rise into category A and B. 

So what is the problem then? What is the difference between two persons that go to the Gun and Ammo Show at the Ford Idaho Center twice a year?

How can you tell the proverbial sheep from the goats, and separate them?

Is there a valid ammo user, or a valid planned survivalist versus one that is motivated by Qanon or other conspiracy theories?

Is there a detectable emotional element like fear, manic drive, or the characteristics of those in a cult that can be found out in a person (cult: following main leaders, antisocial doctrine, we're exclusive and special, we're superior, over commitment of time and money, loss of other human rights or freedoms to serve the group's need: sacrifice as heroic, distorted history of past or present news, frequently a religious under current, separation from others / family / friends in all or some ways, usually some form of elitism or racism).

  • What questions do we have?
  • What questions do you ask?
  • What questions do you ask a conspiracy theorist? Note: I do lots of that now....
  • What persons in the conspiracy are worthy of respectful "dealings", and what persons are so far into it all that they won't here you inquiry and respect? 
  • What questioning shows you're willing to not be rigid like the conspiracy theorists, and even to not be an asshole? 
  • What bridges with others are worth your time to work on, while others are worth your time in burning? 
  • Do we deal directly with the theorists or indirectly? 

Tip: I've found in 40 years of clinical work, that one way to deal with those deeply entrenched and rigid is to use these methods:

1. be sincere, be interested, be human, and usually be willing to talk again. I DO share my full name and shake their hand, "Nice to know you".

2. share incongruencies, but in limited situations. Incongruencies are like "You believe the Covid Virus is a government conspiracy and one should doubt it and not use safety practices, but 200 persons died from it last week in (town).   This may work, along with just sharing your own ideas or feelings / reactions about 20% of the time. That's not too good. By working, I mean they simply heard what you said, and understand what you said.

3. The best method is to share the generic biggy Question: Are you sure ........
Now, that biggy is just a question of doubt. It does something in the mind, and unfortunately, doesn't have a noticeable response or result on the day you're talking to the person. But, it does put the question in the mind, and it does impact that person........

That is the exclusive helpful method.  Other methods above show your humanity to the other.

If you'd like more on that method, please comment below, and also share your own experience. If requested, there could be several other articles on #3, because there are some methods, and the person you're talking to will become resistant if you use it in a lame or oft repeated manner.

Again, help this blog and others by leaving your comment below: a real Google account is required to verify a true identity.

An initial statement of the purpose of this Blog:

Not in the known political, economic, social, and militarized places we see as War Zones now, but on our own streets with the hidden anarchy, racism, and populism of the extremist far left and right. They are right next to us, with a skilled, brilliant, and military science plans of influence and takeover via moving the public to believe their propaganda to distrust governments, voting, institutions, and all but themselves.  Now, they manipulate by distortions social media to cause peaceful protests and voices to give way to calculated riots and looting.

Masters of social media, they use broadcast information, and in some countries, are its managers, oligarchs, and dictators. But in all countries, they are the soft selling Populism and Anarchy via mind disorientation and manipulation of the vulnerable. Confusion is used to gain followers with many methods, including use of many contrived, seemingly innocuous but bizarre conspiracy theories. They are masters of what they do, brilliant, and dedicated with fervor to overthrow and topple, and to gain militarized, over dedicated, and unquestioning followers to serve their own needs. Those radicalized are your neighbors, relatives, friends, coworkers, and even benign seeming Uncle Ned. It could happen to you, unless you have educated yourself on this matter and retain your humility. (From AA, we remember the phrase that any situation could be me when we see another with a problem: “There GO I”.

The Dark Disordered function in two dark realms 1. the anarchist gaining social power, and 2. Dangerous malignant narcissists and political psychopaths secretly serving their hidden material treasure chest. Both are egotists, have power-mongering gains, and calculated as every move is like a chess game of life. They seek only their win. Both groups are antisocial, dangerous, freely will let the blood of any human body, or metaphorically let the blood of any person’s life or soul. Others are used then discarded, as the only humanity of value is their own. Most are racists, all feel they are superior, non are interested in peace, accord, empowerment/rights, or anything but planned and faked shows of dialogue or compassion of those suffering. Don’t be fooled: this won’t be cured with one good person’s election or one governments progressive reforms, because these Dark Disorder Persons are 10% of every population, and function with their evil intent in every corner of the world.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Once in the Dark Knot, it's a Securing Trap

Once in the grasp of the Pied Piper of Hamlin, he / they will always exact their greedy, self-serving toll.

For a summary of that Grimm Fairy Tale see:

Symbolism of the dark knot, seen through these graphics:

What do you see the is like the human experience? 

What dark knots exist around you?  Here is just one example from today's news from around the world:   

Populist President, Bolsonaro of Brazil, is shown today 
1. in a PR ralley
2. without a mask: he is a Covid Consipiracy theorist, with similar views to QAnon. 

His approach is counter to any reality of infections and deaths from the virus in Brazil. His view and show serves only himself.

And, from the USA, Mr. Trump yesterday said that we have beat the virus, we're on the downside of it all. 
 His approach is counter to any reality of infections and deaths from the virus in the USA. His view and show serves only himself. 

Note that while he said that just yesterday, it is the same "talking point" he's been using the entire time of the virus in 2020. Here is yesterday's talking point, BUT FROM ANOTHER MONTH: 

Further, Trump, just like the Pied Piper, show little regard for humans and humanity. Are you aware of his soft peddling of Herd Immunity, where 80% of Americans must get the virus, and out that half a million must die? Herd Immunity is being soft peddled TODAY by Trump, QANON and other "virus doubters", and the Spectrum Broadcast Network, owner of many USA TV Stations, and provider of my local KBCI conspiracy theory "pro Trump" news.

OMGod: I just wrote to KBCI two weeks ago about the above, then saw the "soft peddle" of a news piece on KBCI, as a segment all the Spectrum TV stations ran yesterday. What is soft peddling? Both sides of Herd Immunity were presented in a benign news piece, but there was no mention of personal impacts from that conspiracy approach:
  • loss of your relatives, friends, etc.
  • deaths
  • and medical conditions created for a lifetime in the surviving victims of the virus: hundreds are being identified now

Slick and attracting costumes, smiles to distract from the hypnotic and delightful siren's tunes. 

Hiding camouflaging true character: the entire nature of the Pied Piper is to serve self without regards to humanity. Lost, literal children, or as the warnings go from Grimm's tales: loss of every person or communities' inner soul or inner child / innocence.

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new book on men with narcissistic personalitty disorder

Kindle and Soft Cover at


 Book 2: extra information for the Shadow Workbook:take back your life, book, shadow work 2

 Sha Shadow Work book 2: Take your life back


Here is Book One on Shadow Work. The Workbook.

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80 Books at Charles Bunch Phd 

80 books on bullies, narcissism, psychopaths