
Wednesday, March 16, 2022

900 Years ago, the Poet Rumi spoke about the Heartless Psychopathic Leaders in History

The Sufi Poet Rumi, wrote much about the heartless, Dark Disordered leaders in

history.  900 years ago, he spoke about 

  1. Ruthless leaders
  2. Selfish Gain
  3. Greed, to enslave others to provide their death chambers shuttling them to divinity and eternal wealth and pleasure
  4. persons who have no broad range of emotions, like the Dark Disordered 
  5. The person who has all wealth, but a Heart of Stone, without a soul, and therefore, without God, though they state they have God or are God. 


Please note, before reading the passage: Rumi was a Sufi poet, and teacher of persons of all faiths. He did not live a dogma, so this and all of Rumi's poems apply to persons of all faiths, from Christian, to Muslim, to Hindu, to Judaism, to mysticism and even spiritual atheism. So, when Rumi describes perverseness, it is not from a place of religious injunctions, but of the state of the person, as perverse in the sense of amoral and without 



remorse for others, nature.


 "God gave (allowed it to happen, the Pharaoh to take) Pharaoh hundreds of goods and riches.

So Pharaoh laid claim omnipotence, Godlike-ness on earth and for eternity, and majesty

During his entire life, this perverse man didn't feel feel a single suffering that made him lament for God. 

God graced (allowed without deserving) Pharaoh the empire of this world,

But, he didn't grace (give without deserving), him PAIN, SUFFERING, AND ORDEALS.

Grief's worth more than the empire of this world

Because it makes you call on God in secret.

The cries of those free from pain are cold and dull:

The cries of the agonized (those not like Pharaoh), spring from true inner depths, including ecstasy."

(from combined translations of the poem). 

Summarizing some of the points Rumi makes:

1. God does allow the Dark Disordered to exist and do what they do best

2. "we" have to be aware, and history helps. Rumi wrote this in the 12th century, and the actions of the many pharaohs was historically 4,000 years preceding. 

3. Pharaoh didn't just have some nice career goals or bucket list. He truly thought he, and the Pharaohic lineages were the lineages with access to god and immortality. Pharaoh was caught in his godlike vision of himself

4. Pharaoh may have it all, but just the riches

and very importantly, 

The Dark Disordered do NOT have a full range of emotions. They really can look pretty happy much of the time, but it's not what defines the rest of the population. 

5. pain, suffering, and struggle defines people that are full humans. Rumi is not making a statement that all of life is pain, but that Pharaoh doesn't have that. It's sort of a Velveteen Rabbit sort of thing. Perhaps, the story of Pinocchio, becoming real.

5. pain, suffering, and struggle defines people that are full humans. Rumi is not making a statement that all of life is pain, but that Pharoah doesn't have that. It's sort of a Velveteen Rabbit sort of thing.




Let's expand just a big on the term Majesty:




royal power.
a title given to a sovereign or a sovereign's wife or widow.
Royal Highness


 (from Google and Oxford Dictionary).

And, from Merriam-Webster, click on any blue link to

go to that term online:

Synonyms & Antonyms of majesty

1 a dignified bearing or appearance befitting someone of royal status
  • even as a child, the princess possessed a certain majesty that would later serve her well

Synonyms for majesty

Words Related to majesty

and more:

Words Related to majesty

Those subjugated, enslaved, or just talked down to, are seen by the Dark Disordered as true lessers who are defined by:

And, more terms, which show what Pharaoh, Putin, Trump, Kim Jong-Un and others EXPLOIT:

Words Related to majesty


In this way, the Pharaoh is not that much different than any world leader today or in our recent history.


They all have "godlike" ambitions. They see themselves, even if not said in public, that their Dark Disorder is not an illness, but that they are in some strange way, Divine. They are gifted, special, unique, and they are entitled to the life of all wealth and pleasures, but also that Divine gift of eternity, Godhead-ness, and all pleasures. They are worthy of adoration, and they are worthy that other humans are subjugated, enslaved, put to their service, and in their own way, worshiped. 

They all enslave to accomplish their goals, in several ways:

1. directly, as with the megalomaniacs of African wars and genocides

2. disguised as the subjugation of people's rights, hidden in the propaganda of Putin, Bolsonaro, or hundreds more

3. or veiled populism, appealing to people's fears, then recruiting and radicalizing them.

While the Pharaohs had their grand Pyramids, the concept of gifting the dead bodies with chambers of wealth exited in places worldwide and in history. As an example, these death chambers with wealth, gems, gold, and mummies of dead women, men, and child sacrifices are even being uncovered just in our time, yes, 2022 in the Andes, where both major and hundreds of minor shared this M.A. Mythic Archetype concept. Mutually shared, the M.A., archetype was a part of the culture, and the major goal of the psychopathic leaders and accepted by millions of Andean ancestors from 5,000 A.D, even up to the time of the Spanish Conquestador's take over of Latin America in the 1500's.  (note, they also all shared the concept of a god, the Sun God). These cultures, sacrificed, it is estimated, millions of persons, including children, over the 6,000 years. 


These M.A.'s occurred in so many groups in the Americas below basically the border with Mexico now.  There are groups we all know about and have heard about, like the Aztecs, the Mayans, and the Incans.  But before them, and at the same time as their existences, are other massive groups that existed in that America, some being warriors like those in Quito, Ecuador, the Quitu. And some most were warriors like the Canari, living just below Quito. 

These were not, as we might think, lesser cultures of the world. In fact, this is just being discovered. They were, as with all greater cultures of the world and history, highly developed. We may know about the roads, communications systems, granaries, weaving, pottery and metals. These peoples shares some of the most advanced agricultural methods known, and may have those methods of growing grains, seeds, potatoes and more in developed micro-climates, like those allowing crops to flourish on the frigid shores of Lake Tititcaca. 



Here is some interesting general info on this, Andean cultures: 


This is being said, for two reasons:

1. they were no dummies, yet, this allowing of the Dark Disordered, sacrifice, and death wealth happened, and is a pan-cultural, trans-historical, because it is the M.A. in the minds of all men, all times, all places. 

2. the mythic archetypes function / functioned in the brain NOT as permission to do what their leaders or Pharaohs did. We don't go out and enslave, sacrifice, or mummify to gain a place in heaven, to become a godhead in the universe. 

These MA, and there are several types of Mythic Archetypes in the brain and mind, were WARNINGS. 

They were not permissions. The M.A. was the "stop sign". It didn't get acted on, and cultures were OVERRUN by by Pharaohs, sacrificing priests worldwide, and enslavement by even Western countries like England and many others, to serve the needs of the entitled elite. (Enslavement included this godlike entitlement, and those enslaved, were viewed, as the propaganda went, to be lesser creatures)

Mythic Archetypes. M.A.

They were there to be speedily understood by all, circumventing needing a lifetime of education to comprehend the evil, and head the "warning signs" quickly. 

These warnings are described in the 10 books on Psychopaths below. 

Some of the warnings are veiled slightly in the guise of vampires, werewolves, sirens like those in Homer's stories 5,550 years ago. But, they were warnings, about the Dark Disordered.  And, as evidence of what is a M.A. in the mind and brain, even very young children "know" and understand these evils. 

They are in the mind to facilitate survivability of humans. Some M.A. are simple and include symbols and some language and math concepts. This makes human children able to progress rapidly, and has developed our species. 

It's as though the raven/crow, some other birds, and the monkeys know how to fashion a basic tool out of a stick to get ants and termites out of a hole, to eat. But, humans have this "beyond the basics".  Stories, heroes, quests, and very importantly the images and stories of the evil are there. ow, we are in an incredible time, as man has progressed to know the 

a. psychology of the Dark Disordered, which Putin, Kim Jong-Un, Trump, and Bolsonaro are defined

b. to have a new way to deal with this. Subjugation will not longer be the rule. The entitled elite will no longer rule. And, we have a chance to have a more complex workable concept for life:

We will pursue peace, and a big part of that pursuit will be to protect it from the Dark Disordered. This doesn't mean the intent is really war, it is just accepted that the goal is Peace, but we must pre-emptively protect peace. Why? Because up to 10% of a population is composed of these Dark Disorder types. They are like a giant Whack a Mole game: always there, always popping up, always with a new disquise, always conning. 

Who fits this story of lack of full range of emotions, concern, sympathy, and remorse in your life? 

There are those who are perfect examples to study on this, actually case studies: Trump, Putin, Bolsonaro of Brazil, Maduro, Kim Jong-Un.

And, it leaves us

1. To proceed to Peace

2. but to know and Whack-a-mole, as they pop up all over, even in 2023. 

A metaphor of the Dark Disordered rising all places, all times:


And, it leaves us  1. To proceed to Peace  2. but to know and Whack-a-mole, as they pop up all over, even in 2023.    A metaphor of the Dark Disordered rising all places, all times:

And, it leaves us  1. To proceed to Peace  2. but to know and Whack-a-mole, as they pop up all over, even in 2023.    A metaphor of the Dark Disordered rising all places, all times:

And, it leaves us  1. To proceed to Peace  2. but to know and Whack-a-mole, as they pop up all over, even in 2023.    A metaphor of the Dark Disordered rising all places, all times:

And, it leaves us  1. To proceed to Peace  2. but to know and Whack-a-mole, as they pop up all over, even in 2023.    A metaphor of the Dark Disordered rising all places, all times:








 To lament is the ability to suffer for others in pain.




Do you Whack-a-Mole?


 A metaphor of the Dark Disordered rising all places, all times.
Can't we just head toward Peace?

 Is this a silly metaphor?
Showing up all over
Requires preparedness
but look what's happening underground at all times!



for the rest of the story, Part 1: 





Do you Whack-a-Mole?      A metaphor of the Dark Disordered rising all places, all times. Can't we just head toward Peace?   Is this a silly metaphor? Grandiosity Showing up all over Requires preparedness but look what's happening underground at all times!



 “No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” ― Charles Dickens.

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