
Tuesday, March 22, 2022

The Cage You Make will not Hold a Putin. Here's why:

You'll be fooled: the cage you make will not hold Putin

The prison of sanctions 


dog escapes fence


Why? It's their very nature to evade imprisonment, or escape. To them, it's a challenge, It's what they do best.  



Will your cage be a deterrent? 

What they do Best #1: They always escalate, it will never stop though there may be breaks in time and effort to regroup for the theft.  

 Find out why and how in these short but poignant posts: 

The Psychopath evades or escapes prison, at all times:


You'll be fooled: the cage you make will not hold Putin

The prison of sanctions

Laughing at you.

Mocking you.

Will your cage be a deterrent?   What they do Best #1: They always escalate, it will never stop though there may be breaks in time and effort to regroup for the theft.        Find out why and how in these short but poignant posts:

Will your cage be a deterrent?   What they do Best #1: They always escalate, it will never stop though there may be breaks in time and effort to regroup for the theft.        Find out why and how in these short but poignant posts:

Will your cage be a deterrent?   What they do Best #1: They always escalate, it will never stop though there may be breaks in time and effort to regroup for the theft.        Find out why and how in these short but poignant posts:

Will your cage be a deterrent?   What they do Best #1: They always escalate, it will never stop though there may be breaks in time and effort to regroup for the theft.        Find out why and how in these short but poignant posts:

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