
Friday, March 18, 2022

Bizarro Putin / Russia: how "bizarre" serves the Psychopath / N.P.D.

In other and bizarre news from Russia: today is the anniversary of the takeover of Crimea, by Putin / Russia, with a mass celebration streaming live online.  Musicians, entertainment, amidst all this? 

Here are some synonyms for bizarre. Click on any that interest you, to go to that site, and expand your insight into that word. 

Have you seen any politician in the US or a dictator in another country do anything bizarre? Examples of this include:


trying to stop the election results

supporting the riot of the Capitol

having re-election rallies, fast and furious


Bizarre is one underlying role of the M.A., mythic archetype of the killer clown. Please see the entire book on that one M.A. in the killer clown book in the catalog below.  

The Killer Clown hides in plain site by us, even with bizarre costume and features. The role is confused: giving candy and making laugh, versus slitting the throat and demonstrating in it's figure rotting flesh on the face. 

The Killer Clown hides in plain site by us, even with bizarre costume and features. The role is confused: giving candy and making laugh, versus slitting the throat and demonstrating in it's figure rotting flesh on the face.

The Killer Clown hides in plain site by us, even with bizarre costume and features. The role is confused: giving candy and making laugh, versus slitting the throat and demonstrating in it's figure rotting flesh on the face.



Fool, I am your friend


Then, really or metaphorically "slit throats".

The Killer Clown hides in plain site by us, even with bizarre costume and features. The role is confused: giving candy and making laugh, versus slitting the throat and demonstrating in it's figure rotting flesh on the face.

synonyms for bizarre


In other and bizarre news from Russia: today is the anniversary of the takeover of Crimea, by Putin / Russia, with a mass celebration streaming live online.  Musicians, entertainment, amidst all this?




Synonyms & Antonyms of bizarre

1 conceived or made without regard for reason or reality
  • a bizarre invention that no one could figure out how to use

Synonyms for bizarre

Words Related to bizarre

Phrases Synonymous with bizarre

Antonyms for bizarre

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