
Thursday, April 28, 2022

When recruiting followers is a Scam of the Psychopath

When is recruiting of followers a Scam of the Psychopath, such as the four we report on: 


When is recruiting of followers a Scam of the Psychopath, such as the four we report on:




1. Hitler

2. Putin

3. Bolsonaro of Brazil

4. the radical and rising Far Right, including anarchist, Christian Nation, and De Santis, GOP R, Florida.




A: all times, because there is no recruitment without the psychopath's hidden agenda of using them. 100% is the answer. 

Worker "bees" serve my story, narrative, the wars, the propaganda, the myth of wonderful saviour me.  Women, children, races, sub-groups serve my propaganda image with smiles and photo ops. Includes puppies, and kittens. If I use / like a story of empowerment for them, it's fake: if I'm gone there's nothing. This all serves my secreted story: looting

Recruiting Followers is a scam that serves "me". Psychopaths

1. Worker "bees" serve my story, narrative, the wars, the propaganda, the myth of wonderful saviour me.
2. Women, children, races, sub-groups serve my propaganda image with smiles and photo ops. Includes puppies, and kittens. If I use / like a story of empowerment for them, it's fake: if I'm gone there's nothing.
3. This all serves my secreted story: looting

Stealing children's smiles:

How may of these kids understood what Hitler's Nazism was?

How many of the kids in the photos with De Santis understood what Gay, Christian nation or other De Santis topics are?

Now and Then

De Santis recruits women and children to stand up against other children,  gay children suffering. 

Hitler had children and Aryan women recruited stand up for Aryan White children and women, and tolerate the eradication of lessers.

Stealing children's smiles:  How may of these kids understood what Hitler's Nazism was?  How many of the kids in the photos with De Santis understood what Gay, Christian nation or other De Santis topics are?

Stealing children's smiles:  How may of these kids understood what Hitler's Nazism was?  How many of the kids in the photos with De Santis understood what Gay, Christian nation or other De Santis topics are?

Stealing children's smiles:  How may of these kids understood what Hitler's Nazism was?  How many of the kids in the photos with De Santis understood what Gay, Christian nation or other De Santis topics are?

Stealing children's smiles:  How may of these kids understood what Hitler's Nazism was?  How many of the kids in the photos with De Santis understood what Gay, Christian nation or other De Santis topics are?

Stealing children's smiles:  How may of these kids understood what Hitler's Nazism was?  How many of the kids in the photos with De Santis understood what Gay, Christian nation or other De Santis topics are?

Stealing children's smiles:  How may of these kids understood what Hitler's Nazism was?  How many of the kids in the photos with De Santis understood what Gay, Christian nation or other De Santis topics are?

synonyms for scam



 Scamming: this is what psychopaths do best.



synonyms for con



We've been reporting on issues of:


1. The Psychopath uses tried methods of war, that were gained on playgrounds in early childhood. 


 2. They are the masters of Propaganda. See shocking info on Putin and Hitler on this, including the list of 15 items below, and the video you can see here: 

Hitler rose to power by the use of Propaganda. He was the master manipulator. 

In fact, this is most of what they do. I think actually, that leading others, developing campaigns is not their primary strength. I think they do conceptualize war campaigns, strategies, and war methods....but primarily they are Propaganda Machines. They keep it stoked, they keep the giant machine rolling. 




This is an observation of these 4,but applies to all psychopaths

1. Hitler

2. Putin

3. Bolsonaro of Brazil

4. the radical and rising Far Right, including anarchist, Christian Nation, and De Santis, GOP R, Florida. 


 How many scammed do you count here: 1. Hitler  2. Putin  3. Bolsonaro of Brazil  4. the radical and rising Far Right, including anarchist, Christian Nation, and De Santis, GOP R, Florida.

 1. Hitler  2. Putin  3. Bolsonaro of Brazil  4. the radical and rising Far Right, including anarchist, Christian Nation, and De Santis, GOP R, Florida.


Those used by Hitler are just like this by de Santi, Putin, Trump, and Bolsonaro:

a. there are those recruited to be goons

b. there are those recruited to serve the narrative, myth of salvation of the disgruntled, resentful, and yet looking for a con to bring them a promise of salvation, good life, money, power, inclusion, attention, etc. 

Here, De Santis, the master of the con, recruits those 

vulnerable smiling children

women seeking empowerment, but he offers this only if they serve him

b. is the PR function.

Note: a Goon would be used to select the women and children bases on appealing cute faces, mostly white, with the required racial mix.

Hey, there's no transgender girl or boy here. No gays. There's no Asian here. There appears to not be a Native American here. 

This is De Santis Florida Whitewashing: have a racial mix that is based on stats and smiles. 

What child here would understand the least about sexuality?

Here, De Santis, the master of the con, recruits those   vulnerable smiling children  women seeking empowerment, but he offers this only if they serve him

 Here, De Santis, the master of the con, recruits those   vulnerable smiling children  women seeking empowerment, but he offers this only if they serve him


Wow, such a con to appeal to his female voter base. 

Apart from the cons, how do we understand empowerment of women and help that in a non-exploitive way.

Any method like this con's appear to be empowering women, but in reality are fake, and therefore the actual use of women. This is a metaphor for male rape or female circumcision. 

 Here, De Santis, the master of the con, recruits those   vulnerable smiling children  women seeking empowerment, but he offers this only if they serve himsuch


Here, De Santis, the master of the con, recruits those   vulnerable smiling children  women seeking empowerment, but he offers this only if they serve him

Here, De Santis, the master of the con, recruits those   vulnerable smiling children  women seeking empowerment, but he offers this only if they serve him...








 See this helpful article. If the article is locked, there's much on Youtube on the same. Just search there.

Hitler Youth: how the Third Reich used children’s organisations to wage war

They started out as youth groups designed to educate German boys and girls in Nazi principles and secure the longevity of the Reich for future generations. But, over the course of the Second World War, clubs such as the Hitler Youth became Germany’s back-up armies, with children as young as 12 being armed with weapons and teenagers sent to fight Soviet forces on the front line


Hitler Youth: how the Third Reich used children’s organisations to wage war  They started out as youth groups designed to educate German boys and girls in Nazi principles and secure the longevity of the Reich for future generations. But, over the course of the Second World War, clubs such as the Hitler Youth became Germany’s back-up armies, with children as young as 12 being armed with weapons and teenagers sent to fight Soviet forces on the front line 




You should know how children women and you are scammed even today.

There are dozens about this at:

 They started out as youth groups designed to educate German boys and girls in Nazi principles and secure the longevity of the Reich for future generations. But, over the course of the Second World War, clubs such as the Hitler Youth became Germany’s back-up armies, with children as young as 12 being armed with weapons and teenagers sent to fight Soviet forces on the front line


and hundreds of photos on Hitler's Youth at: 

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