
Saturday, April 2, 2022

Evil Dark Magicians: Diabolic Cons and Actors

There are evil dark magicians in lore, myth, story, and movies. They are M.A., Mythic archetypes.

Here are some photos of that, including the magician as Death, the magician as the Gaslighter:

What is the symbolic influence of the demons and devil, whispering into the Magician's ear?

There are evil dark magicians in lore, myth, story, and movies. They are M.A., Mythic archetypes.   Here are some photos of that, including the magician as Death, the magician as the Gaslighter:

There are evil dark magicians in lore, myth, story, and movies. They are M.A., Mythic archetypes.   Here are some photos of that, including the magician as Death, the magician as the Gaslighter:

There are evil dark magicians in lore, myth, story, and movies. They are M.A., Mythic archetypes.   Here are some photos of that, including the magician as Death, the magician as the Gaslighter:

There are evil dark magicians in lore, myth, story, and movies. They are M.A., Mythic archetypes.   Here are some photos of that, including the magician as Death, the magician as the Gaslighter:

There are evil dark magicians in lore, myth, story, and movies. They are M.A., Mythic archetypes.   Here are some photos of that, including the magician as Death, the magician as the Gaslighter:

There are evil dark magicians in lore, myth, story, and movies. They are M.A., Mythic archetypes.   Here are some photos of that, including the magician as Death, the magician as the Gaslighter:

There are evil dark magicians in lore, myth, story, and movies. They are M.A., Mythic archetypes.   Here are some photos of that, including the magician as Death, the magician as the Gaslighter:

There are evil dark magicians in lore, myth, story, and movies. They are M.A., Mythic archetypes.   Here are some photos of that, including the magician as Death, the magician as the Gaslighter:

There are evil dark magicians in lore, myth, story, and movies. They are M.A., Mythic archetypes.   Here are some photos of that, including the magician as Death, the magician as the Gaslighter:

There are evil dark magicians in lore, myth, story, and movies. They are M.A., Mythic archetypes.   Here are some photos of that, including the magician as Death, the magician as the Gaslighter:

There are evil dark magicians in lore, myth, story, and movies. They are M.A., Mythic archetypes.   Here are some photos of that, including the magician as Death, the magician as the Gaslighter:

There are evil dark magicians in lore, myth, story, and movies. They are M.A., Mythic archetypes.   Here are some photos of that, including the magician as Death, the magician as the Gaslighter:

For more on evil magicians, see:


Evil Magicians do these, but only in Dark Mode:



synonyms for transmute



They present a false reality, because they are that: a dark person covered by an actor's veil.

synonyms for imitation



synonyms for diabolic






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