
Friday, April 22, 2022

Life under the Psychopath in 2-D: Young Children of Point Blank Executions and Russian Rape

Life in much of war torn Ukraine is no longer in 3-d, what we know of life with dimensions, substance, futures, places. 

Life under the Psychopath in 2-D: Death and Dust

A grandma in destroyed Mariupol. 

What if this was your grandma, cooking her last food on a fire of sticks, outside, in sub-freezing temps??



This is a mini-series of articles on this topic:

Putin / Russian Soldiers: Point Blank Killers of babies, Sadistic Rapists of Women, girls, men, boys all but the Grandmas left on the streets to sleep in freezing temps. 


What is sadistic gang rape?

Ukraine rape occurrence, and initials stories of gang rape, child now pregnant, boy raped in front of his mother.

Point blank execution of babies. Why? 

The Grandmas of Mariupol and other parts of Ukraine: that's all that is left. 


Life under the Psychopath in 2-D: Death and Dust   A grandma in destroyed Mariupol.    What if this was your grandma, cooking her last food on a fire of sticks, outside, in sub-freezing temps??



Each of these photos of the Grandmas of Ukraine tells a story. 




Life under the Psychopath in 2-D: Death and Dust   A grandma in destroyed Mariupol.    What if this was your grandma, cooking her last food on a fire of sticks, outside, in sub-freezing temps??

Life under the Psychopath in 2-D: Death and Dust   A grandma in destroyed Mariupol.    What if this was your grandma, cooking her last food on a fire of sticks, outside, in sub-freezing temps??

Life under the Psychopath in 2-D: Death and Dust   A grandma in destroyed Mariupol.    What if this was your grandma, cooking her last food on a fire of sticks, outside, in sub-freezing temps??

Life under the Psychopath in 2-D: Death and Dust   A grandma in destroyed Mariupol.    What if this was your grandma, cooking her last food on a fire of sticks, outside, in sub-freezing temps??

mass graves mariupol

Life under the Psychopath in 2-D: Death and Dust   A grandma in destroyed Mariupol.    What if this was your grandma, cooking her last food on a fire of sticks, outside, in sub-freezing temps??

Life under the Psychopath in 2-D: Death and Dust   A grandma in destroyed Mariupol.    What if this was your grandma, cooking her last food on a fire of sticks, outside, in sub-freezing temps??

Life under the Psychopath in 2-D: Death and Dust   A grandma in destroyed Mariupol.    What if this was your grandma, cooking her last food on a fire of sticks, outside, in sub-freezing temps??

Life under the Psychopath in 2-D: Death and Dust   A grandma in destroyed Mariupol.    What if this was your grandma, cooking her last food on a fire of sticks, outside, in sub-freezing temps??

Life under the Psychopath in 2-D: Death and Dust   A grandma in destroyed Mariupol.    What if this was your grandma, cooking her last food on a fire of sticks, outside, in sub-freezing temps??

Life under the Psychopath in 2-D: Death and Dust   A grandma in destroyed Mariupol.    What if this was your grandma, cooking her last food on a fire of sticks, outside, in sub-freezing temps??

Life under the Psychopath in 2-D: Death and Dust   A grandma in destroyed Mariupol.    What if this was your grandma, cooking her last food on a fire of sticks, outside, in sub-freezing temps??

Life under the Psychopath in 2-D: Death and Dust   A grandma in destroyed Mariupol.    What if this was your grandma, cooking her last food on a fire of sticks, outside, in sub-freezing temps??

Life under the Psychopath in 2-D: Death and Dust   A grandma in destroyed Mariupol.    What if this was your grandma, cooking her last food on a fire of sticks, outside, in sub-freezing temps??

Life under the Psychopath in 2-D: Death and Dust   A grandma in destroyed Mariupol.    What if this was your grandma, cooking her last food on a fire of sticks, outside, in sub-freezing temps??

Life under the Psychopath in 2-D: Death and Dust   A grandma in destroyed Mariupol.    What if this was your grandma, cooking her last food on a fire of sticks, outside, in sub-freezing temps??


After all above, including the soldiers are shot at point blank, you have only a showing of Grandmas to try to stop soldiers, Russian tank, Russian rapists.

Life under the Psychopath in 2-D: Death and Dust   A grandma in destroyed Mariupol.    What if this was your grandma, cooking her last food on a fire of sticks, outside, in sub-freezing temps??.




This is a mini-series of articles on this topic:

Putin / Russian Soldiers: Point Blank Killers of babies, Sadistic Rapists of Women, girls, men, boys all but the Grandmas left on the streets to sleep in freezing temps. 


What is sadistic gang rape?

Ukraine rape occurrence, and initials stories of gang rape, child now pregnant, boy raped in front of his mother.

Point blank execution of babies. Why? 

The Grandmas of Mariupol and other parts of Ukraine: that's all that is left. 

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