
Monday, April 4, 2022

Alien Invasion Movies, Cliches of the Apocalypse, pt 5

 Movies have common themes, events, and outcomes.






body snatchers  But, it can also be a world taken over by creatures, such as pod people. Since the other posts have some Mariupol like scenes, here's more pod people alien invasions.

The elements of an Alien Invasion movie ranges from "tropes" and cliches. I'm not sure why there is online lots of argument of what is a trope and a cliche in a movie, but "they" tend to

be repeated events, character habits, movie set items that repeat

are recognized by us, easily understood

give life to the story, fleshing it out, but also can detract from the story

These cliche's are listed in the previous posts on Alien Invasion films, but in summary, we recognize them, and may wince in response, or roll our eyes if it's repeated and bothersome. 

Cliches can come and go as characters both come and go in the movie. They are a reason may old movies no longer fit our culture: the cliche no longer fits.For instance, John Wayne always spanks his women, and gets men together to fight off the injuns (whom are Native Americans from the First Tribes). 

But, these movies have their cliches, including many that repeat in sub-categories, like these non-Alien horror flicks:

Wrong Turn movies show hanging meat, and there are cult like parties / dances

American Horror Story series

And, older cartoons show Germans or Russians as the enemy, where a current foe is more likely anarchy, Nazism, populism, etc. Or, this is even more appropriate, the intent of this blog: we say boldly that Putin is a psychopath, and leave out all tropes, not blaming even the Russian people, or Reds. 


Here is just one: drool from the Alien's mouth, ky jelly. 

And, older cartoons show Germans or Russians as the enemy, where a current foe is more likely anarchy, Nazism, populism, etc. Or, this is even more appropriate, the intent of this blog: we say boldly that Putin is a psychopath, and leave out all tropes, not blaming even the Russian people, or Reds.   Cliches:   Here is just one: drool from the Alien's mouth, ky jelly.

Some tropes and cliches make us roll our eyes in memory, disgust or recolectin of the behavior from another movie from that series, or from the Horror movie genre. 

Some make us do more than roll our eyes, like wanting to jump out of our seat with the rest in the movie theater, at the right time, when we know "Don't go in the basement, the dark part of the spaceship, the cave, the..." 

Here is a trope or cliche of Putin, the psychopath, with characteristics share with the Alien Invasion theme listed in the prior posts: he and several top aids walk with one arm lose, one arm up and stiff, ready to grab his ARMAMENTS. He, they were trained to do this silly walk in the KGB. It garners much web gossip attention and laughs. 

This is what a movie trope or cliche is.


Another trope of the Dark Disordered, killers, is the cliche of blood on the side of the mouth, replete in the years of series, American Horror Story. 

Another trope of the Dark Disordered, killers, is the cliche of blood on the side of the mouth, replete in the years of series, American Horror Story.

Now, for a non-metaphoric, non-trope, non-cliche topic, the grand goal of the Alien Movies being to harvest, kill, or..... But ending finally in near-apocalypse, or apocalypse. 

The apocalypse looks much like the devastation of Mariupol, Ukraine. 

But, it can also be a world taken over by creatures, such as pod people. Since the other posts have some Mariupol like scenes, here's more pod people alien invasions. 

But, it can also be a world taken over by creatures, such as pod people. Since the other posts have some Mariupol like scenes, here's more pod people alien invasions.

invasion of the pod people, horror alien invasion


 What is in the apocalypse concept? 

Note, click on any term below, then click again on terms at that site that catch your eye. Keep going, make a list of 500 terms that explain elements of Apocalypse:

synonyms for apocalypse



synonyms for curtains

synonyms for extinction

synonyms for liquidation

Just added, pt 5 and 6

5. cliches of Alien Invasion Movies


6. Words of the apocalypse movie, weeding, purge, etc.



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