
Sunday, April 24, 2022

The Maps of Trump, Putin, and Hitler

Psychopaths have their maps of invasion and takeover. 

See Putin's maps under Word Cloud terms for maps, and octoputin, at the bottom of the page. 

Trump demonstrates "mapping", that is really a prequil to full takeover: that really makes Trump and Netanhyuo smile.      What are the many perks Trump thought he'd get from that deal?
Trump demonstrates "mapping", that is really a prequel to full takeover: that really makes Trump and Netanyahu smile. 


What are the many perks Trump thought he'd get from that deal? 

Trump demonstrates "mapping", that is really a prequil to full takeover: that really makes Trump and Netanhyuo smile.      What are the many perks Trump thought he'd get from that deal?

Trump demonstrates "mapping", that is really a prequil to full takeover: that really makes Trump and Netanhyuo smile.      What are the many perks Trump thought he'd get from that deal?

Trump demonstrates "mapping", that is really a prequil to full takeover: that really makes Trump and Netanhyuo smile.      What are the many perks Trump thought he'd get from that deal?

Trump demonstrates "mapping", that is really a prequil to full takeover: that really makes Trump and Netanhyuo smile.      What are the many perks Trump thought he'd get from that deal?

Trump demonstrates "mapping", that is really a prequil to full takeover: that really makes Trump and Netanhyuo smile.      What are the many perks Trump thought he'd get from that deal?

First, here is an example of past enchroachment by Putin that sets him up to invade many countries: he has tiny corridors segmented off Europe, supporting Russia. 

The psychopath has maps, then works on it all years before the invasion. Putin has always been doing this, and Trump: buy Greenland, Put a Hotel in Russia? 

synonyms for encroach










These maps, addressed above, are for invasions show future atrocities. 

The psychopaths, destroy and loot.

They are about causing this to happen, delightfully for them: 




Synonyms & Antonyms of atrocity

1 the quality of inspiring intense dread or dismay
  • the undeniable atrocity of the forced march of Cherokees known as the Trail of Tears

Synonyms for atrocity

Words Related to atrocity

Near Antonyms for atrocity


 the state or quality of being utterly evil

  • was appalled by the atrocity of Stalin's mass executions

Synonyms for atrocity

Words Related to atrocity




 disposition to willfully inflict pain and suffering on others

  • wars often unleash a level of atrocity that would be unimaginable in peacetime

Synonyms for atrocity

Words Related to atrocity

Near Antonyms for atrocity

Antonyms for atrocity




You will have contact with the psychopaths. We go beyond being naive fools, and become the wise Warriors, with the full Heroes



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