
Saturday, April 16, 2022

The Tentacles and Propaganda of Octoputin

 As you can see from this video, the tentacles of Putin have been:

A tentacle of the octopus might be defined as  an arm that reaches, and  a claw that grabs, and draws prey and food toward to octopus.

1. far reaching

2. planned

3. and "speckled" throughout Europe as demonstrated by this video of "Transnistria", one of many small breakaway states being / been developed by Putin over many years.

We traveled inside Transnistria, a Moscow-backed breakaway state in Moldova, to find out how Russia’s disinformation campaign stretches beyond its borders.





A tentacle of the octopus might be defined as 

an arm that reaches, and 

a claw that grabs, and draws prey and food toward to octopus.

What symbolism do you see in these octopus pix of reaching out? 

A tentacle of the octopus might be defined as  an arm that reaches, and  a claw that grabs, and draws prey and food toward to octopus.

A tentacle of the octopus might be defined as  an arm that reaches, and  a claw that grabs, and draws prey and food toward to octopus.

A tentacle of the octopus might be defined as  an arm that reaches, and  a claw that grabs, and draws prey and food toward to octopus.

A tentacle of the octopus might be defined as  an arm that reaches, and  a claw that grabs, and draws prey and food toward to octopus.

A tentacle of the octopus might be defined as  an arm that reaches, and  a claw that grabs, and draws prey and food toward to octopus.


Graphic Thesaurus for "tentacle" provided by
 All of it, yes, all, 100% has been planned.

Planned Octo attacks:


Octo Propaganda 


Octo War Of the Worlds 

and, other Octo information posts:

OctoPutin posts to date:

octopus putin, OctoPutin posts to date:

 octopus putin, OctoPutin posts to date:

 octopus putin, OctoPutin posts to date:

Cthuthlu Putin:

Just added:

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