
Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Octoputin: Watch the Tentacles, not Putin's lie about NATO enchroachment

This was posed yesterday? 


Were you feeling sorry for him, or feeling just a bit guilty about supporting little Russia? 





Would an Octoputin or psychopath of any sort tell this lie:

"We're taking over the Ukraine because we're so frightened. Nato is taking over. Those evil monsters". 


Yes, that's the big con:

Putin had this all planned, and the matter of Nato's growth was just the excuse of the day, the easiest thing to grab. 

Unfortunately, people in the West believe this story, pitying poor widdle Russia. 

And, Putin has a propaganda machine of 10's of Billions of dollars per year.


 Would he really do that?

Yes, that's what he's best at. 


This is what he's up to: 

Octoputin: Watch the Tentacles, not Putin's lie about NATO enchroachment




 and, pix and movie trailers




Octoputin: Watch the Tentacles, not Putin's lie about NATO enchroachment

Octoputin: Watch the Tentacles, not Putin's lie about NATO enchroachment

Octoputin: Watch the Tentacles, not Putin's lie about NATO enchroachment



Octoputin: Watch the Tentacles, not Putin's lie about NATO enchroachment

Octoputin: Watch the Tentacles, not Putin's lie about NATO enchroachment

Octoputin: Watch the Tentacles, not Putin's lie about NATO enchroachment

Octoputin: Watch the Tentacles, not Putin's lie about NATO enchroachment

Octoputin: Watch the Tentacles, not Putin's lie about NATO enchroachment

Octoputin: Watch the Tentacles, not Putin's lie about NATO enchroachment

Octoputin: Watch the Tentacles, not Putin's lie about NATO enchroachment

Octoputin: Watch the Tentacles, not Putin's lie about NATO enchroachment

Octoputin: Watch the Tentacles, not Putin's lie about NATO enchroachment


Octoputin: Watch the Tentacles, not Putin's lie about NATO enchroachment

Octoputin: Watch the Tentacles, not Putin's lie about NATO enchroachment

Octoputin: Watch the Tentacles, not Putin's lie about NATO enchroachment

Octoputin: Watch the Tentacles, not Putin's lie about NATO enchroachment


More on tentacles:

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