
Saturday, April 23, 2022

How many Bucha's will there be in Ukraine? Sadistic Torture

Bucha, Ukraine


Putin or Vlad the Impaler? 

They are one and the same, linked to each other just like the club of histories butchers, or lineages of vampires.


Bucha is a metaphor for any town destroyed in Ukraine, and any city in the world invaded by a psychopath. They are towns and peoples with their blood drawn out, and fed upon. Exsanguinated.

drain (a person, animal, or organ) of blood.
"carotid and jugular vessels were cut to exsanguinate the heart, done by the vampire who fed."

Bucha, Ukraine     Putin or Vlad the Impaler?    They are one and the same, linked to each other just like the club of histories butchers, or lineages of vampires.


Mass Graves

Bodies bound / tied

Bodies showing sadistic torture

Gang Rape 

It's and old horror story though.



Vlad the impaler eats dinner while watches people being slaughtered


Interspersed here are graphics cuts of the above colored wood block of Vlad the Impaler. See the themes of Vlad, Putin, and any psychopath in thee representations.



 Humiliation and nakedness are included in sadistic methods. Individuality and character are destroyed and removed. Then comes binding the hands.




 A video of the graves of Bucha.

 How many Bucha's will there be in Ukraine? Sadistic Torture

There is Torture and there are Impalings, that occur, but vary in each time in history.

Interspersed here are graphics cuts of the above colored wood block of Vlad the Imapler. See the themes of Vlad, Putin, and any psychopath in thee representations.
Torture Impaled




The psychopath Has Soldiers do the evil cutting up of bodies

Torture Impaled Vlad



He Watches and enjoys dinner. It's no more than a TV dinner or dinner show? 

Vlad impaler eats dinner


Humanity gone, victims are Reduced to body parts: reduction, disintegration, eroding, decompiling of body, person and soul

vlad the impaler educed to body parts: reduction, disintegration, eroding, decompiling person and soul


"I really worked up an appetite": Roast fowl, bread, wine. Fit for a King

vlad impaler dines


The psychopaths use favorite methods of killing, as each psychopath has a personal preferences of ways to torture, bleed out, destroy in what they feels is the most enjoyable viewable way.  Most also take some momentos home with them, take out reminders of the kill. Some, like the Holocaust put trophies in the living rooms, others keep them in a treasure chest.

Using favorite methods of killing, as each psychopath has a personal preferences of ways to torture, bleed out, destroy in what they feels is the most enjoyable viewable way.  Most also take some momentos home with them, take out reminders of the kill. Some, like the Holocaust put trophies in the living rooms, others keep them in a treasure chest.


The butchering and cannibalism of psychopaths.  "After all, it's only meat".

 Using favorite methods of killing, as each psychopath has a personal preferences of ways to torture, bleed out, destroy in what they feels is the most enjoyable viewable way.  Most also take some momentos home with them, take out reminders of the kill. Some, like the Holocaust put trophies in the living rooms, others keep them in a treasure chest.



Methods of butchery vary. Then, and ax of the type used in battle but also by the butchers to hack carcass bones,  now an ICBM, tanks, or soldier's technical hunter's knife. 


 The butchering and cannibalism of psychopaths.  "Afterall, it's only meat".



 Sadistic Torture:

 bloodlust · brutal cruelty · vicious cruelty · animality · barbarity · bestiality · brutal violence · brutality.



 Method: Give orders while eating.

 The brutal psychopath has two hands: one to eat, one to order the butchering.  The psychopath demonstrates two actions: is the initiator and completor of the slayings, but also has the ability psychopaths show: not bothered by the humanity destroyed, they work up a hunger, THEN EAT DINNER.  Why eat? They enjoyed themselves and it is a "day's work creating hunger". 

Who is responsible for it all. Who planned and initiated? Vlad

Who carries out the work? the thugs, goons, soldiers

Both parties have responsibility, though different.

 vlad the impaler eats



More Putins the Vampire exsanguinating parallel pix:

 More exsanguinating pix:.

 More exsanguinating pix:.



 More exsanguinating pix:




 sadistic cruelty · cruel torture · sadistic punishment · brutal torture · savage torture · vicious torture · brutal torment · sadistic bully.

bloodlust · brutal cruelty · vicious cruelty · animality · barbarity · bestiality · brutal violence · brutality.  sadistic cruelty · cruel torture · sadistic punishment · brutal torture · savage torture · vicious torture · brutal torment · sadistic bully.


click on this graph of words



Graphic Thesaurus for "Sadistic" provided by
Putin types. See word cloud below for Vlad the Impaler: killing, watching, enjoying.
 Putin types. See word cloud below for Vlad the Impaler: killing, watching, enjoying.

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