
Monday, April 25, 2022

Sleazeballs: Putin's 22 years of shoving Journalist out Windows and More:

While Putin says others, today, that the US is sleazy, the Russian press is sleazy, and the foreign press is sleazy, the "pot calls the kettle black". 

See articles on that, under DARVO in the word cloud at the bottom of this page. 

What is a sleazeball? 


informalNorth American
a disreputable, disgusting, or despicable person (also used as a general term of abuse).
"they were seen as a bunch of sleazeballs and liars"





What is "dirty".



president snow in mocking jay


Instead of allowing Putin or any other kleptocrat to shift blame to others, we need to know what he is. What the psychopath calls others, is what they are. That is DARVO. 

1. right under our noses, he's become the wealthiest man in the world, stealing

2. he is behind dozens if not hundreds of poisonings, after all, he is KGB

3. he has during his career, had dozens if not hundreds of foes pushed out of windows, including 1 media person per 22 years (if not more, perhaps 10x or 100x, as these are reported as suicides). 

Types of sleazeball Kleptocrats:  Putin, above. President Snow of the Hunger games:

 Types of sleazeball Kleptocrats:

Putin, above. President Snow of the Hunger games: 



This post

Dirty is as Dirty Does

Check a bit tomorrow for: 

Who are the Kleptocrats?  Putin, Hitler, Trump, De Santis, etc.



Dirty is as dirty Does: Putin's 22 years of shoving Journalists out Windows and More:  

Dirty is as dirty Does: Putin's 22 years of shoving Journalist out Windows and More:




When Putin had an oligarch taken to task, imprisoned and wealth take away, he was both asserting his power over any wayward Oligarch, and stealing that criminal's money for the Russian coffers. What was that money used for? Putin likely had a secret plan that served his own wealth or some secret military research or operation.  

See the topic in the word cloud at the bottom of the page: Tossed Under the Bus. 

It's critical to know this from that cautionary tale of oligarchs: they must obey and serve Putin.

 See the topic in the word cloud at the bottom of the page: Tossed Under the Bus.    It's critical to know this from that cautionary tale of oligarchs: they must obey and serve Putin..



Who got "window tossed"? It's a shocking list. And, this does not include any other methods Putin's goons would use, including bullets and poisons. Wouldn't you suspect that quantity to be in the several thousands killed?

 Dirty is as dirty Does: Putin's 22 years of shoving Journalist out Windows and More:



This post

Dirty is as Dirty Does

Check a bit tomorrow for: 

Who are the Kleptocrats?  Putin, Hitler, Trump, De Santis, etc.

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