
Friday, April 15, 2022

Alleged War Crimes, Alleged Ukraine Sunk Ship, 20. Alleged OctoPUTIN Characteristics?

Alleged War Crimes, Alleged Ukraine Sunk Ship, Alleged OctoPUTIN



Octo Characteristics: Putin and the Ocean Octopus

A M.A. Mythic Archetype


Alleged War Crimes, Alleged Ukraine Sunk Ship, Alleged OctoPUTIN       Octo Characteristics: Putin and the Ocean Octopus  A M.A. Mythic Archetype


Was that Russian Warship sunk from a fire on board, or was it sunk by two Ukrainian Missiles?

1. we don't have evidence of either the fire or the missiles yet of this "flagship" of the Russian naval fleet, a ship that has been dogging the Ukrainian coast for decades.

 What clues do we have then? 


 lighthouse: Alleged War Crimes, Alleged Ukraine Sunk Ship, Alleged OctoPUTIN       Octo Characteristics: Putin and the Ocean Octopus  A M.A. Mythic Archetype




2. Russia denied outside attack

3. Then, Russia completed a retaliatory strike of Kyiv.


If it sunk from your own fire, you then don't do a retaliatory strike or the whole world will know what happened: not the fire on board. 



Here are 8 Mega Monster Octopus graphics:


Alleged War Crimes, Alleged Ukraine Sunk Ship, Alleged OctoPUTIN       Octo Characteristics: Putin and the Ocean Octopus  A M.A. Mythic Archetype

Alleged War Crimes, Alleged Ukraine Sunk Ship, Alleged OctoPUTIN       Octo Characteristics: Putin and the Ocean Octopus  A M.A. Mythic Archetype

Alleged War Crimes, Alleged Ukraine Sunk Ship, Alleged OctoPUTIN       Octo Characteristics: Putin and the Ocean Octopus  A M.A. Mythic Archetype

Alleged War Crimes, Alleged Ukraine Sunk Ship, Alleged OctoPUTIN       Octo Characteristics: Putin and the Ocean Octopus  A M.A. Mythic Archetype

Alleged War Crimes, Alleged Ukraine Sunk Ship, Alleged OctoPUTIN       Octo Characteristics: Putin and the Ocean Octopus  A M.A. Mythic Archetype

Alleged War Crimes, Alleged Ukraine Sunk Ship, Alleged OctoPUTIN       Octo Characteristics: Putin and the Ocean Octopus  A M.A. Mythic Archetype


 And movie concepts: 

Alleged War Crimes, Alleged Ukraine Sunk Ship, Alleged OctoPUTIN       Octo Characteristics: Putin and the Ocean Octopus  A M.A. Mythic Archetype

Alleged War Crimes, Alleged Ukraine Sunk Ship, Alleged OctoPUTIN       Octo Characteristics: Putin and the Ocean Octopus  A M.A. Mythic Archetype

Alleged War Crimes, Alleged Ukraine Sunk Ship, Alleged OctoPUTIN       Octo Characteristics: Putin and the Ocean Octopus  A M.A. Mythic Archetype

Alleged War Crimes, Alleged Ukraine Sunk Ship, Alleged OctoPUTIN       Octo Characteristics: Putin and the Ocean Octopus  A M.A. Mythic Archetype

Alleged War Crimes, Alleged Ukraine Sunk Ship, Alleged OctoPUTIN       Octo Characteristics: Putin and the Ocean Octopus  A M.A. Mythic Archetype

Alleged War Crimes, Alleged Ukraine Sunk Ship, Alleged OctoPUTIN       Octo Characteristics: Putin and the Ocean Octopus  A M.A. Mythic Archetype

Alleged War Crimes, Alleged Ukraine Sunk Ship, Alleged OctoPUTIN       Octo Characteristics: Putin and the Ocean Octopus  A M.A. Mythic Archetype

Alleged War Crimes, Alleged Ukraine Sunk Ship, Alleged OctoPUTIN       Octo Characteristics: Putin and the Ocean Octopus  A M.A. Mythic Archetype



The Octopus as Monster, is a M.A. Mythic Archetype of fear and human warning. It has the mix or pot of many characteristics of animals and evil like the Dragon M. A. Mythic Archetype.  The psychopath has these many characteristics, a does the Evil Clown. 

The Octopus M.A. does many things, has many characteristics like the dragon: 

  1.  Entangles, traps you, wraps you
  2. Wrapping
  3. Entangling,
  4. Peering eyes
  5. Spellbinding, eye catching and stopping in track
  6. Dark, of the dark
  7. A monster
  8. Leaves suction marks for life?
  9. Regrows tentacles?
  10. Odd flesh: in an ocean of scaled fish, what is this, but cold dead skin?

Peering eyes of the octopus:

Peering eyes of the octopus:

Peering eyes of the octopus:

Peering eyes of the octopus:

Giant Squid:

Peering eyes of the octopus:

11. Unusual combination forms like the MA mythic archetypes of Evil Clown, Dragon

12. Attacks a crusty starfish, and opens it to eat with a parrot like beak

13. Eyes that mesmerize the victim, has a human looking eye, with human looking eyelids

14. Swift and unusual locomotion

15. Camouflage, of common octopus, but very advanced in other species.

16. Is a master hunter, predator


Humbolt Squid: 

 Humbolt Squid:


Are intelligent, and some feel they are sentient "beings", aware of the self. Research on this is ongoing, and this year, in the science sites mentioned on this site, Mongabay and others, the octopus in Puget sound

It is shocking, but the largest octopod beak was over 1,000 lbs. octopus beak

17. The Alien with the Giant Head


Giant Head implies super-intelligenceThe Alien with the Giant Head     Giant Head implies super-intelligence

Alien form, most with odd

smooth skin, this one with textured skin like reptiles, but no fish scales: Alien form, most with odd  smooth skin, this one with textured skin like reptiles, but no fish scales:

And, from Wikipedia, attacks on Humans:


Cephalopod attack  (octopus, squid, cuttlefish)




Main article: Cephalopod limb

Tentacles are the major limbs used by squid for defense and hunting. They are often confused with arms—octopuses have eight arms, while squid and cuttlefish have eight arms and two tentacles. These tentacles are generally longer than arms and typically have suckers only on their ends instead of along the entire length. The giant squid and colossal squid have some of the largest tentacles in the world, with suckers capable of producing suction forces of more than 800 kilopascals (roughly 100 pounds per square inch)[1] and with pointed teeth at the tips.


A human hand holding a colossal squid beak, the beak is significantly larger than the hand.
A colossal squid beak.
Main article: Cephalopod beak

The cephalopod beak resembles that of a parrot. It is a tough structure made of chitin and marks the beginning of the cephalopod's digestive system. Colossal squid use their beaks for shearing and slicing their prey's flesh to allow the pieces to travel the narrow esophagus.

One of the largest beaks ever recorded was on a 495-kilogram (1,091 lb) colossal squid. The beak had a lower rostral length of 42.5 millimeters (1+11⁄16 in). Many beaks have also been discovered in the stomachs of sperm whales, as the stomach juices dissolve the soft flesh of the squid, leaving the hard beaks behind. The largest beak ever discovered in this way had a lower rostral length of 49 millimeters (1+15⁄16 in), indicating that the original squid was 600 to 700 kilograms (1,300 to 1,500 lb).[2]

18. Venom

All octopuses have venom, but few are fatally dangerous. The greater blue-ringed octopus, however, is considered to be one of the most venomous animals known; the venom of one is enough to kill ten adult humans.[3] It uses the neurotoxin tetrodotoxin, which quickly causes respiratory arrest. Estimates of the number of recorded fatalities caused by blue-ringed octopuses vary, ranging from seven to sixteen deaths; most scholars agree that there are at least eleven.[4]

While octopuses generally avoid humans, attacks have occasionally been verified.[citation needed] For example, a 240-centimeter (8-foot) Pacific octopus, said to be nearly perfectly camouflaged, approached a diver and attempted to wrap itself around the diver and his camera. Another diver recorded the encounter on video. The divers speculated that the octopus may have thought its reflection in the camera lens was a smaller octopus, which may have motivated it to attack.[11][12]

The supposed attack on a Staten Island ferry in New York, leading to the loss of the ferry and commemorated by a bronze sculpture (installed in 2016), never actually occurred, nor was there any such ferry disaster. The artist responsible admitted it was "a multimedia art project and social experience – not maliciously – about how gullible people are".[13]

Cephalopod attack  (octopus, squid, cuttlefish)       Tentacles  Main article: Cephalopod limb
In the 1960s, divers would willingly grapple octopuses in octopus wrestling, a then-popular sport in coastal United States.

Cephalopod attack  (octopus, squid, cuttlefish)       Tentacles  Main article: Cephalopod limb.

See this list of both octopus attack reports in history, as well as literature references to great octopod attacks:

See this list of both octopus attack reports in history, as well as literature references to great octopod attacks:

See this list of both octopus attack reports in history, as well as literature references to great octopod attacks:

See this list of both octopus attack reports in history, as well as literature references to great octopod attacks:

19. Is an escape artist: flees at high speed

 See this list of both octopus attack reports in history, as well as literature references to great octopod attacks:


20. Is an escape artists: cover up self in ink (clouds the issue, covers tracks, con artist, evil magician, Gaslight, Darvo........ see these topics in the Word Cloud at the bottom of this page).  Or, like the evil magician, distracts your attention with other methods of slinking, slipping out of your hands like grape jelly, or any other cover up.... see DARVO posts, where where you get blamed for what he did.

See this list of both octopus attack reports in history, as well as literature references to great octopod attacks:

The Evil Clown M.A., mythic archetype, has accentuated evil peering eyes like octo. 


The enlarged, piercing and mesmerizing eyes of the Octopus is similar to the Evil Clown M.A. Mythic Archetype, and the Dragon M.A. Mythic Archetype. Here is a demo of just one feature of all three: the eyes. They stop you, get your attention, incite fear. If you can move out of the frozen state, you'd flee. Otherwise, you're take in, and taken over.

The Evil Clown M.A., mythic archetype, has accentuated evil peering eyes like octo.

The make-up used for the evil clown draws the viewer into the eyes, and the eye is accentuated in size with markings like above, to make the eye seem 2 to 10 times bigger, more peering, and alludes to danger. Warning: watch out. 

The Evil Clown M.A., mythic archetype, has accentuated evil peering eyes like octo.

Dragons as M.A., have that combo of characteristics like the Evil Clown and Octo monster. 


This one interested me as it has a dog, lion look, but on the pterodactyl / bat winds are eyes.   

Dragons as M.A., have that combo of characteristics like the Evil Clouwn and Octo monster.      This one interested me as it has a dog, lion look, but on the pterodactyl / bat winds are eyes.

Please check back tomorrow for the rest of this post on symbolism in octopus tattoo art, and Cthulhu:


 Please check back tomorrow for the rest of this post on symbolism in octopus tattoo art, and Cthullu:

Please check back tomorrow for the rest of this post on symbolism in octopus tattoo art, and Cthullu:


OctoPutin posts to date:

octopus putin, OctoPutin posts to date:

 octopus putin, OctoPutin posts to date:

 octopus putin, OctoPutin posts to date:

Cthuthlu Putin:

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