
Saturday, April 2, 2022

The Now and Later Chews of the killer Psychopath: Variations of Evil Chess, Evil Monopoly Games of War

Don't be fooled by any promises of the Dark Disordered. It's the lie, because they do what they do, either now, or later.

They may take a break for months or years, or they may sign a peace accord or make promises, but they do it NOW and LATER. It's up to them, to pick, whichever is most advantageous to them. For instance:

Take Ukraine now, or just take the Donbas region. 

But, eventually, take all of Ukraine and any non-Nato country. "Oh, hell, just nuke the Nato guys"



Now and Later chews

Chew now, or get that full flavor even later. 

There's big tubs of it, varieties.

Long Lasting! 

What symbolism to you see here, in terms of the lasting of the Dark Disordered?

Now and Later chews  Chew now, or get that full flavor even later.   There's big tubs of it, varieties.  Long Lasting!

Now and Later chews  Chew now, or get that full flavor even later.   There's big tubs of it, varieties.  Long Lasting!

Now and Later chews  Chew now, or get that full flavor even later.   There's big tubs of it, varieties.  Long Lasting!

Now and Later chews  Chew now, or get that full flavor even later.   There's big tubs of it, varieties.  Long Lasting!



 Do see the Evil Monopoly games in earlier posts. Metaphors of dealing with the Dark Disordered. 

Here is the dark, killer chess game in Harry Potter film:

Part 2 of Chews:


with full info  on changeling, morph, imitation, camouflage:

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