
Monday, April 25, 2022

Satan 2: There is no box yet invented to imprison the Putins, Jong-Uns, etc. Pt. 2

 Today's news: 



grandma with cat, ukraine devastation





"Russia to deploy Sarmat missiles by autumn in 'historic' nuclear upgrade"





I grew up during a time when the Nuclear Warhead race was on.  Everything was about nukes, bombs, the Bikini Atoll nuclear tests, nuclear power, and Civil Defense. 

My mom was a part of the neighborhood Civil Defense program, which basically meant she dressed up (at that time, lipstick and high heals were needed, though just dropping off brochures to neighbors we knew). 

In school, we practiced weekly Nuclear Bomb drills, which meant, the alarm would go off and we'd crouch down in the coat closet with coats over us. That would surely stop nuclear "rays". 

We had what was a families nuclear bombing survival kit for that time, just pre the Cuban Missile Crisis with Russia (Russia was planning to locate nukes in Cuba, and that is how the Crisis started and how the US obtained Guantanamo Bay):

1. two gallons of water, kept in sanitary glass bottles. I think bleach came to us at that time in these glass bottles. 

2. a box of further water decontamination tabs: iodine

3. a small first aid kit, and a bundle of rolled bandages, both about the size of a pack of Rice-a-roni 

4. a can of Spam, two can's of Vienna Sausages

5. some canned "biscuits" my dad got at the Army surplus store: crackers in a tin can

6. He also got some old chocolate bars, and it was a good thing they were old army issues, otherwise, I'd have eaten them!

Well, now we know that all doesn't help.

But, the mania to develop nukes, nuclear power, and air defenses was pretty big then.

The news would show how nuclear radiation could cause plants to grow 100 lb. space tomatoes, 10 foot cukes. It seemed we'd found some answers. However, those never panned out, though we saw them in news reals and newspapers. 

It was easy to find movies, shows, cartoons, and comic books with all this too. It was the life of ease into the future, the Atomic Age to come. 

There was the reality of death, but that soon took a backstage to:

1. there was a nukes race, and we were winning that race. We had the most nuclear weapons!!! Hurray for our side. 


In that fantasy of the race, we stopped looking at Russia with all it's history of 


violent wars, incursions with rape, and a full intent of takeovers. 


 2. the fantasy Nuclear Vision for our fun and life of ease future.

Tomorrowland at Disneyland with space rockets and more

Tomorrowland at Disneyland with space rockets and more

Tomorrowland at Disneyland with space rockets and more

Tomorrowland at Disneyland with space rockets and more

Tomorrowland at Disneyland with space rockets and more

Tomorrowland at Disneyland with space rockets and more

Well, the fantasy is ruined, spit on. We now have:


Satan 2


new hypersonic ballistic missiles fired into Ukraine




Evil Magicians: When your attention was distracted, Putin upgraded Nuke Systems years ahead of USA. Don't be fooled, it's not a fun race, it's the need to be mentally conscious and daily reminded of the atrocities of Putins, Jong-Uns, De Santis', Trumps, Anarchists / Populists worldwide, and in all times, past present, and future. You have to do this before you go about your day of joy, peace, creativity, and thriving. And, in honoring the suffering and disenfranchised, you honor that knowledge of the Dark Disordered in your own life: past, present worldwide, and future. You will have contact with the psychopaths. We go beyond being naive fools, and become the wise Warriors, with the full Heroes Within.  No longer will you and others live in terror, and succumb to their acts war, divide and conquer, propaganda, and Gaslighting (shift focus and blame you).

Prisons, boxes: check back, we'll post more soon on this topic. 

click to enlarge.

You will have contact with the psychopaths. We go beyond being naive fools, and become the wise Warriors, with the full Heroes


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