
Friday, April 22, 2022

Russian / Putin using Sadistic RAPE in Ukraine of Women, Girls, Men and Boys, Gang Rape Preferred

While rape has always been a bi-product of war and invasions, Putin has moved his soldiers to systematic sadistic rape of Ukrainians.


What is this were being done to any person you know and love, woman, man, girl, boy???


Just as with the reports flooding in about the Russian's mass graves, the reports of rape are now trickling in, naturally slow as the victims are reticent to report. 

 Russian / Putin using 

Sadistic RAPE in Ukraine of 

Women, Girls, 

Men and Boys


 Gang Rape Preferred



Lyudmila Denisova, the Ukrainian parliament's commissioner for human rights, has accused the Russian army of several specific, sadistic cases of rape.

A 14-year old girl in Bucha was allegedly raped by five Russian soldiers and has fallen pregnant, Denisova said.

In the same town, made infamous by Russia's massacre of its civilians, an 11-year old boy is said to have been raped in front of his mother, who was tied to a chair and forced to watch.

In the city of Irpin near the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv, a 20-year old woman was gang-raped "in every possible way" by three Russian soldiers, Denisova also said.

Denisova demands that these and numerous other rape cases reported across the country be included in the UN Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine, set up in March to investigate violations of human rights and international humanitarian law.

International NGO Human Rights Watch also warned in a report dated 3 April that Russia is using rape as a weapon of war against Ukraine.

Young Ukrainian politician Kira Rudik, leader of the liberal Golos party, has become something of the female face of the war, appearing almost non-stop in international media since the invasion began.

"I talked to women in liberated areas of the Kyiv region. They are reporting on multiple cases of sexual crimes committed by Russian soldiers against Ukrainian women, men, and children," she told EUobserver.

The atrocities highlighted by the Commissioner for Human Rights are just a few examples of rape at the hands of the invading forces, says Rudik.

"We are working on documenting all the crimes. But the trauma that my people are going through is an irreversible one," she said.


 The rest of this story, and thank you EU Observer for presenting this:

There will be a flood, tsunami of rape reports, in short time, because Putin is using this as one of his methods of war.





This is a mini-series of articles on this topic:

Putin / Russian Soldiers: Point Blank Killers of babies, Sadistic Rapists of Women, girls, men, boys all but the Grandmas left on the streets to sleep in freezing temps. 


What is sadistic gang rape?

Ukraine rape occurrence, and initials stories of gang rape, child now pregnant, boy raped in front of his mother.

Point blank execution of babies. Why? 

The Grandmas of Mariupol and other parts of Ukraine: that's all that is left. 





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