
Wednesday, April 27, 2022

The Enemy Developed by the "Bizarre Enemy Narrative": Hitler=Putin=Trump=De Santis

These three things are based on the use and narrative development of an enemy. That narrative uses a bizarre enemy. Who that enemy is, matters only in that it ought to be known by the audience:

factory workers





single mothers

people without cars

people with electric cars

people with Volkswagens

people without

people with purple cars

Who was Hitler's enemy list? It's most similar to that of Putin, Trump, and De Santis!        See the topic bar above for videos and posts on how genocides begin.     The Pink Triangle began in Hitler's camps, and is based on the color codes above.

After chosen by the psychopath, the Bizarre Enemy narrative is then developed, and FEAR AND HATE developed in the audience. 

Political cults like the far right GOP are similar to religious cults in how the form, how the enemy developed, and how the group is ultimately controlled. In religious cults, control comes by threats to not leave. In political cults, there is that plus the fear of 


selling out

missing out of gains of fortune

becoming the enemy

being hated, not included

being wrong

This short film by the BBC covers those issues of Religious Cults, and you'll see the parallels with political cultism: 

BTW: the "enemy" can be very bizarre, indeed. 

Today, for the GOP, it's firing squad Fauci.

In this video, the enemy was a bizarre mind machine:

Who was this for Trump? It varies from week to week, but for a time just a few years ago, it was "fat women", "ugly women".




Photos: under 3/4 million gays and dissidents were killed in the Holocaust, along with the millions of Jews. 



Who was Hitler's enemy list? It's most similar to that of Putin, Trump, and De Santis!



See the topic bar above for videos and posts on how genocides begin.  

The Pink Triangle began in Hitler's camps, and is based on the color codes above.

Photos: under 3/4 million gays and dissidents were killed in the Holocaust, along with the millions of Jews.         Who was Hitler's enemy list? It's most similar to that of Putin, Trump, and De Santis!

Who was Hitler's enemy list? It's most similar to that of Putin, Trump, and De Santis!        See the topic bar above for videos and posts on how genocides begin.     The Pink Triangle began in Hitler's camps, and is based on the color codes above.

Who was Hitler's enemy list? It's most similar to that of Putin, Trump, and De Santis!        See the topic bar above for videos and posts on how genocides begin.     The Pink Triangle began in Hitler's camps, and is based on the color codes above.

Who was Hitler's enemy list? It's most similar to that of Putin, Trump, and De Santis!        See the topic bar above for videos and posts on how genocides begin.     The Pink Triangle began in Hitler's camps, and is based on the color codes above.




Kleptocracy, what, why, who, where:

pt 1

pt 2



Filthy dirty thieves taking from you.

1. Sleazeball:  Putin's 22 years of shoving Journalist out Windows and More

2.  15 Areas of Propaganda and Kleptocracy shared by Hitler=Putin=Trump=De Santis

3. The Maps of Trump, Putin, and Hitler


 and, today: 


 The Firing Squad of the Gop: threats, lynchings, genocides

What is the Bizarre Enemy Narrative:


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