
Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Piles of Dead Pets, Aleppo Syria, and the Ukraine soon under Dornikov / Putin

These photos speak for themselves. They are about the pets and domesticated animals that died in the gassing of Aleppo, Syria.

First, Aleppo, Syria, then the Ukraine.  

Piles of Dead Pets, Aleppo Syria, and the Ukraine soon under Dornikov / Putin     You can document and try for rights violations, war crimes. But that saves NO life. There has to be a different solution: and now.      If someone confuses matters saying it might be Assad or Dornikov, stop the BS talk: it all came from Putin, including the plan and the weapons.


 Piles of Dead Pets, Aleppo Syria, and the Ukraine soon under Dornikov / Putin


You can document and try for rights violations, war crimes. But that saves NO life. There has to be a different solution: and now. 


If someone confuses matters saying it might be Assad or Dornikov, stop the BS talk: it all came from Putin, including the plan and the weapons. 




Piles of Dead Pets, Aleppo Syria, and the Ukraine soon under Dornikov / Putin     You can document and try for rights violations, war crimes. But that saves NO life. There has to be a different solution: and now.      If someone confuses matters saying it might be Assad or Dornikov, stop the BS talk: it all came from Putin, including the plan and the weapons.

Piles of Dead Pets, Aleppo Syria, and the Ukraine soon under Dornikov / Putin     You can document and try for rights violations, war crimes. But that saves NO life. There has to be a different solution: and now.      If someone confuses matters saying it might be Assad or Dornikov, stop the BS talk: it all came from Putin, including the plan and the weapons.

See our other posts for info on children of Syria:


See our other posts for info on children of Syria:


After this, they all laugh, have a banquet, play tennis..... they laugh at the dead, you, all.

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