
Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Don't Become the Monster. Nietzsche

When you fight the Monsters, 

Don't Become the Monster. Nietzsche



Don't become Hitler, Putin, .... but 100% stop them. 100%.


When you fight the Monsters,   Don't Become the Monster. Nietzsche        Don't become Hitler, Putin, .... but 100% stop them. 100%.

When you fight the Monsters,   Don't Become the Monster. Nietzsche        Don't become Hitler, Putin, .... but 100% stop them. 100%.




One could become Putin, a Russian soldier out of control. 


But, you have to maintain yourself. 


 It's all too easy we can sell out, give in, become part of the in-crowd. 

It happened to 70% of all Germans who followed Hitler, the war, and the Holocaust. 

It happens in our own realms too. 

We tolerate bullying and don't speak up. 

We have, as Americans, tolerated lynchings. It's a Shock, just absolute shock that lynchings were not illegal until this month, this year, 2022. A shock. 

Lynching is where the average Joe becomes a monster. 

We have, as Americans, tolerated lynchings. It's a Shock, just absolute shock that lynchings were not illegal until this month, this year, 2022. A shock.    Lynching is where the average Joe becomes a monster.

Now, look at the same pix, different perspective, the fun, the entertainment. 

We have, as Americans, tolerated lynchings. It's a Shock, just absolute shock that lynchings were not illegal until this month, this year, 2022. A shock.    Lynching is where the average Joe becomes a monster.

We have, as Americans, tolerated lynchings. It's a Shock, just absolute shock that lynchings were not illegal until this month, this year, 2022. A shock.    Lynching is where the average Joe becomes a monster.

We have, as Americans, tolerated lynchings. It's a Shock, just absolute shock that lynchings were not illegal until this month, this year, 2022. A shock.    Lynching is where the average Joe becomes a monster.

In that real lynching, those folks think it is a party. 

Bob Dylan's song for Emmett Till:

Lynchings in America, continuing up to our times, now.

Thank you President Biden for the law making lynchings illegal, this month.

Thank you Emmett Till and the thousands of lynching victims in the USA. 


 Thank you Emmett Till and the thousands of lynching victims in the USA.



A symbolic lynching. Ron Desantis of Florida, and his lynch mobs. 


Florida, DeSantis, and the radical right are symbolically lynching Gays, lgtbq. But, this is not just Florida, but a GOP platform in several states. Did you speak up, say stop, not on my watch. Or did you become the monster, caving, and not jumping in because it is not your problem?

Florida, DeSantis, and the radical right are symbolically lynching Gays, lgtbq. But, this is not just Florida, but a GOP platform in several states. Did you speak up, say stop, not on my watch. Or did you become the monster, caving, and not jumping in because it is not your problem?

Videos on American lynchings.


And, violence against gays continues daily in the US. 

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