
Monday, April 11, 2022

Dvornikov is Vlad the Impaler. Now comes the Apocalypse.

Putin appointed a new Ukraine War commander.  

Russia has turned to Gen. Alexander Dvornikov, 60, one of Russia’s most experienced military officers and — according to U.S. officials — a general with a record of brutality against civilians in Syria and other war theaters. The senior official who identified the new commander was not authorized to be identified and spoke on condition of anonymity.


 He is known as the Butcher of Syria. 

There, he implemented also Putin's SCORCHED EARTH POLICY.

Here, alien invaders offer up fire, apocalypse, and destruction: 

This is a critical synonym list for Putin's Enforcer:

synonyms for enforcer


Military reputation

Dvornikov has received a poor reputation for the harsh conduct of his military campaigns, particularly in Chechnya and Syria where he was described as the "Butcher of Syria" for his "scorched earth" campaigns.[18][19] According to retired admiral James G. Stavridis,[1] "The appointment of this new general indicates Vladimir Putin’s intent to continue this conflict [in Ukraine] for months, if not years...He is the goon called in by Vladimir Putin to flatten cities like Aleppo in Syria... He has used tools of terrorism throughout that period, including working with the Syrian forces, torture centers, systematic rape, nerve agents. He is the worst for the worst."

He has used tools of terrorism throughout that period, including working with the Syrian forces, torture centers, systematic rape, nerve agents. He is the worst for the worst."

He has used tools of terrorism throughout that period, including working with the Syrian forces, torture centers, systematic rape, nerve agents. He is the worst for the worst."

He has used tools of terrorism throughout that period, including working with the Syrian forces, torture centers, systematic rape, nerve agents. He is the worst for the worst."



This is not a military general, but a dark vampiric WW2 type of butcher. 

This is Vlad the Impaler.



He is "Putin's thug". What is a thug? 


synonyms for thug


alien destroys with fire


 And, destruction of the Home Tree by fire, Avatar.




What is scorched-earth slang?
Definition of scorched-earth

1 : relating to or being a military policy involving deliberate and usually widespread destruction of property and resources (such as housing and factories) so that an invading enemy cannot use them.



What is the result of Scorched Earth Policy?

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