Is your Dark Disorder Narcissist or Psychopath UNDAUNTED?
I think this is a crucial list of synonyms to know about the Dark Disordered category 1-3.
This is their nature, this is natural to them, this is who they are. They are defined by these words.
This is why they don't respond to agreements, peace accords, at least in the long term. Any accord or kind promise is fake, acted out, and will have a worse result for the victim or you.
A parody fun movie, but has all the elements:
4 Alien Articles:
1. This is what they do best:
2. Similarities, uncanny that
Cliches in Alien Invasion film and real life
3. Alien invasions: always the Butcher
Aliens: Butchers / Slashers / Rippers
4. Unstoppable Aliens and Butchers
Is your Alien invader undaunted?
To me, undaunted means fearless, facing challenge, but having some happy-go-lucky fun along the way, because facing the challenge is what you do best.
synonyms for undaunted
- fearless
- indomitable
- steadfast
- undeterred
- audacious
- coming on strong
- courageous
- dauntless
- fire-eating
- gallant
- icy
- intrepid
- not discouraged
- not put off
- resolute
- unafraid
- unalarmed
- unapprehensive
- undiscouraged
- undismayed
- unfaltering
- unflinching
- unshrinking
- valiant
- valorous
4 Alien Articles:
1. This is what they do best:
2. Similarities, uncanny that
Cliches in Alien Invasion film and real life
3. Alien invasions: always the Butcher
Aliens: Butchers / Slashers / Rippers
4. Unstoppable Aliens and Butchers
synonyms for ruthless
- barbarous
- brutal
- callous
- cold-blooded
- cruel
- cutthroat
- ferocious
- fierce
- harsh
- inhuman
- malevolent
- merciless
- rancorous
- relentless
- sadistic
- savage
- unforgiving
- unrelenting
- unyielding
- vicious
- vindictive
- adamant
- cold
- dog-eat-dog
- feral
- grim
- hard
- hard-hearted
- implacable
- inexorable
- ironfisted
- killer
- mortal
- obdurate
- pitiless
- remorseless
- revengeful
- severe
- stern
- stony
- surly
- unappeasable
- unfeeling
- unmerciful
- unsympathetic
- without pity
About the Alien invasion movies: here is al list of books on that:
Here's 100 top alien movies:
4 Alien Articles:
1. This is what they do best:
2. Similarities, uncanny that
Cliches in Alien Invasion film and real life
3. Alien invasions: always the Butcher
Aliens: Butchers / Slashers / Rippers
4. Unstoppable Aliens and Butchers
Just added, pt 5 and 6
5. cliches of Alien Invasion Movies
6. Words of the apocalypse movie, weeding, purge, etc.
More in a bit on They, the aliens, are having Fun in the invasion.
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