Here are 100 terms for "razed".
The shocking goal of all psychopaths: razed lives, burned to ash.
This is what they do best.
Putin, Hitler, all psychopaths love the fires of annihilation.
Just like little boys drawn to matches and firecrackers, but these love the matches only because they start the house on fire.
synonyms for raze
- bulldoze
- demolish
- destroy
- dynamite
- erase
- extinguish
- obliterate
- overthrow
- scatter
- smash
- topple
- wipe out
- wreck
- batter
- bomb
- capsize
- crash
- decimate
- delete
- efface
- expunge
- extirpate
- fell
- level
- overturn
- reduce
- remove
- ruin
- spill
- subvert
- total
- undo
- unmake
- upset
- wrack
- zap
- blow down
- break down
- cast down
- mow down
- pull down
- rub out
- scratch out
- strike out
- tear down
- tear up
- throw down
- unbuild
- annihilate
- bulldoze
- crush
- decimate
- devastate
- dilapidate
- dismantle
- flatten
- obliterate
- overturn
- pulverize
- raze
- ruin
- smash
- smash up
- trash
- wreck
- break
- burst
- crack
- defeat
- devour
- eatup
- level
- overthrow
- sink
- torpedo
- total
- undo
- wax
- wrack
- gobble up
- knock down
- put away
- put in toilet
- take apart
- take out
- tear down
- wipe off map
synonyms for annihilate
- crush
- decimate
- demolish
- eradicate
- exterminate
- extinguish
- finish off
- liquidate
- negate
- obliterate
- quell
- raze
- wipe out
- abate
- abolish
- abrogate
- annul
- erase
- expunge
- extirpate
- invalidate
- massacre
- murder
- nullify
- quash
- ruin
- slaughter
- undo
- vitiate
- wrack
- wreck
- blot out
- do in
- root out
- rub out
- take out
synonyms for annihilatory
- mortifying
synonyms for annihilating
synonyms for crush
- break
- crumble
- mash
- squash
- squeeze
- trample
- beat
- comminute
- contuse
- crease
- crowd
- crunch
- embrace
- enfold
- express
- jam
- pound
- powder
- press
- pulverize
- rumple
- squish
- total
- tread
- wrinkle
- bruise
- contriturate
- hug
- kablooey
synonyms for trample
- crush
- encroach
- flatten
- hurt
- infringe
- injure
- override
- overwhelm
- run over
- squash
- step on
- stomp
- violate
- bruise
- grind
- pound
- stamp
- tramp
- tread
- ride roughshod over
- tromp
- crush
- extinguish
- flatten
- quash
- quell
- squish
- suppress
- trample
- annihilate
- bear
- bruise
- crowd
- distort
- jam
- kill
- macerate
- mash
- pound
- press
- pulp
- push
- scrunch
- smash
- squeeze
- put down
- shut down
- sit on
- stamp on
- triturate
synonyms for pound
- batter
- belabor
- bruise
- buffet
- clobber
- comminute
- drub
- hammer
- hit
- palpitate
- pelt
- pestle
- powder
- pulsate
- pulse
- pulverize
- pummel
- stomp
- strike
- thrash
- throb
- thump
- tramp
- wallop
- malleate
synonyms for powder
- grate
- abrade
- bray
- comminute
- cover
- crumble
- crunch
- dredge
- dust
- file
- flour
- granulate
- grind
- pestle
- pound
- pulverize
- rasp
- reduce
- scatter
- scrape
- smash
- strew
synonyms for grind
- grate
- pulverize
- reduce
- scrape
- abrade
- atomize
- attenuate
- beat
- bray
- comminute
- crumble
- crumple
- disintegrate
- file
- granulate
- kibble
- mill
- pestle
- pound
- powder
- rasp
- shiver
- chop up
- levigate
- roll out
synonyms for kablooey
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