
Tuesday, March 29, 2022

When women physically murder, when women murder the soul.

This is an introduction to the collection of posts on women, female Dark Disordered, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Political Psychopaths, and the Darker disordered of Cat. 3. So, check back. 

Most important in this will be:

1. the characteristics and drives of the male psychopaths is the same: greed and the umbrella of rage (entitled to your stuff, need to punish you)

2. why women psychopaths evade detection

Photos at


other women psychopaths:




 When there is a physical murder, when there is a murder of the soul. 


When women murder the soul or bodies, the destruction is vast for both:



When there is a physical murder, when there is a murder of the soul.      When women murder the soul or bodies, the destruction is vast for both:

When there is a physical murder, when there is a murder of the soul.      When women murder the soul or bodies, the destruction is vast for both:

When there is a physical murder, when there is a murder of the soul.      When women murder the soul or bodies, the destruction is vast for both:

When there is a physical murder, when there is a murder of the soul.      When women murder the soul or bodies, the destruction is vast for both:

When there is a physical murder, when there is a murder of the soul.      When women murder the soul or bodies, the destruction is vast for both:

When there is a physical murder, when there is a murder of the soul.      When women murder the soul or bodies, the destruction is vast for both:

When there is a physical murder, when there is a murder of the soul.      When women murder the soul or bodies, the destruction is vast for both:

When there is a physical murder, when there is a murder of the soul.      When women murder the soul or bodies, the destruction is vast for both:

When there is a physical murder, when there is a murder of the soul.      When women murder the soul or bodies, the destruction is vast for both:

When there is a physical murder, when there is a murder of the soul.      When women murder the soul or bodies, the destruction is vast for both:

When there is a physical murder, when there is a murder of the soul.      When women murder the soul or bodies, the destruction is vast for both:

When there is a physical murder, when there is a murder of the soul.      When women murder the soul or bodies, the destruction is vast for both:

When there is a physical murder, when there is a murder of the soul.      When women murder the soul or bodies, the destruction is vast for both:

When there is a physical murder, when there is a murder of the soul.      When women murder the soul or bodies, the destruction is vast for both:

When there is a physical murder, when there is a murder of the soul.      When women murder the soul or bodies, the destruction is vast for both:

When there is a physical murder, when there is a murder of the soul.      When women murder the soul or bodies, the destruction is vast for both:

When there is a physical murder, when there is a murder of the soul.      When women murder the soul or bodies, the destruction is vast for both:

When there is a physical murder, when there is a murder of the soul.      When women murder the soul or bodies, the destruction is vast for both:

When there is a physical murder, when there is a murder of the soul.      When women murder the soul or bodies, the destruction is vast for both:


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new book on men with narcissistic personalitty disorder

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Here is Book One on Shadow Work. The Workbook.

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