Here's a quick summary of:
Wow, is this a scene from the Ukraine or movie World War Z?
The Dark Disordered would love a World War 3 or World War Z. Who are they?
The Dark Disordered:
1. World Psychopath Leaders seeking Loot, War, and recruiting weak to genocides
2. Entrenched Narcissistic Personality Disordered
3. Psychotic Criminals, Thugs, Mass Murderers, Serial Killers, Sociopaths, Cons of all types, Sadists / Masochists (#3 not addressed in this blog, but others)
- Become progressively worse in time: cannot be rehabilitated only contained
No compassion, empathy
Delight in destroying humans, nature, especially the innocents
No Remorse
Skilled in Games / Science of War
Ultimately loot for secret gains
are in all places worldwide, all times: past, present, future
are the dangerous 10% worldwide you need to fully know about
recruit and radicalize others to accomplish their private goals
They recruit others, radicalize, but also, like Russia, just conscript soldiers to fight for them while they dine on caviar, in cushy mansions.
Here's a metaphor of their onslaught from the movie WWZ
Here's a symbol from their tanks, with Z.
Some tanks have V.
Don't you think Putin secretly promoted this for it's current pop movie symbolism?
Their news, Russian, says the letters represent original locations of the soldiers, but Putin would not allowed the letters without it serving his purpose: a psychopath doesn't allow others to grab random notice and fame!
Would a psychopath want WW3, at least secretly? Yes, that's what they do.
And on some tanks, V, like the V on the alien show:
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