
Friday, March 18, 2022

Here's what a psychopath, entrenched narcissist personality, and Putin / Trump / Bolsonaro think of you.

Does some world or local leader think you're just the value of an insect?


Find out why in Parts 1, and 2 

Would they like to spray you, decimate you, or scorched earth you? Maybe they'd delight in stepping on you? 

and to oppress you:

Does some world or local leader think you're just the value of an insect?

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new book on men with narcissistic personalitty disorder

Kindle and Soft Cover at


 Book 2: extra information for the Shadow Workbook:take back your life, book, shadow work 2

 Sha Shadow Work book 2: Take your life back


Here is Book One on Shadow Work. The Workbook.

Click here for book one at 

 shadow work workbook 1 at


All books, softcover and ebook at

80 Books at Charles Bunch Phd 

80 books on bullies, narcissism, psychopaths