
Friday, March 4, 2022

When the Psychopath Tells the Truth: Putin: "It's all going according to PLAN"

It's all going to plan, according to Putin's plan, which is like a big monopoly game of taking, where the Psychopath has the advantage of

a. knowing War Sciences, game strategies

evil monopoly board game

b. keeping secret the timing of the win, be it next month or stalled for 5 years to make him look good before the world stage. 

c. has hundreds of methods, learned over a lifetime.

A column of 40 miles is stalled outside of Kiev.

It looks like a failure, but in the game plan of the psychopath, there is No failure, just opportunities to turn into their narrative!!!

vampire board game

vampire board game

evil monopoly board game

evil monopoly board game

Here's what we know.

1. the stalled column looks pathetic, like Putin is losing this one, and hurray for our team: we're elated, optimistic, and ..............naive

2. we likely played into that game 

3. it's a distraction, a part of the games of Divide and Conquer and DARVO, and I, me, my, I win of the self-seeking

4. any move to seek peace will just wind up as one more thing we do that promotes #1.  

5. the best experts on this are those current and former US military officers, that share with us the methods of War, War Science, because it says that there are many strategies, Putin is not down but up and elated, and he'll win unless stopped and contained. 

6. today, methods of propaganda with his people, and seeming to be charitable by allowing civilians leave UKRAINE in escape corridors doesn't match the truth of bombing, shelling, killing, and moving into Ukraine on many fronts. In fact:

a. while he said he wants most to take Kiev

b. he has today taken over the bulk of the South, and Ukraine's largest nuclear power plant.

You thought the plan was:

But, he's actually playing an evil type of Monopoly, where time is not limited and he has the knowledge and experience of War Sciences






 When the Psychopath Tells the Truth: Putin: "It's all going according to PLAN"














What is the Game Plan of the Dark Disordered?


 Is the Dark game plan on track?


Narcissist / Psychopath: playing games here? 

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