
Friday, March 25, 2022

Megalomania: you're just debris, you're just the dust of the Mariupols I made in my lifetime (feather in the cap to me!)

OMG, This is what the Megalomaniac, psychopath thinks of you:

You are

Your life is

Your cities, country are:

crud, sewage, slop, swill, wash

    detritus, remains, rubble, ruins

    dump, scrap heap

    lumber, odds and ends, trumpery

    flotsam, jetsam, wreckage



 (hey, I hadn't heard of trumpery, funny though)


You're just another dust bin of Mariupol, but hats off to me: I did that. 



Megalomania: you're just debris, you're just the dust of the Mariupols I made in my lifetime (feather in the cap to me!),750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u8.jpg from,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u8.jpg


Click on any term below, and expand your thinking. Then, at that site, click again....



This is what the psychopath thinks you are, but certainly not a human of worth. 




Synonyms & Antonyms of debris

1 discarded or useless material
  • the unsightly debris left after mining operations had ceased

Synonyms for debris

Words Related to debris

Near Antonyms for debris

2 the portion or bits of something left over or behind after it has been destroyed

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