
Saturday, March 19, 2022

Bombing? Just what does that mean, now, really? Putin's play book and step-up campaign. A.

Ok, take all the arsenal tools and bombing methods, put them on a piece of paper, and dump on the table. 

Then, sort them out from least damage or damage to image, to the worst damage or damages to Russia's image. 

Make a list then, of least to most.

That's what Putin is doing, he is daily moving up the list, daily stepping it up. When he says to the public that all is going according to plan, that's what he means: it's all going according to his plan of escalating the war tools, damage, and methods. 

This is a simple road map used by all Dark Disordered. 

Methods of War

3 parts

a. what's in a bomb?

b. the escalating campaign of the psychopath

c. Hitler Blitzkrieg


Now, there you have it. Or do you? Well, a stab in the dark at the exercise is better than nothing.

russian precision missiles


Well, if you're lucky enough to know what these really are, then that pile of papers might be helpful. But, if you're like me, you may not know them well. 

For me, every day is a surprise of new information on military weapons and tactics of war being used in Ukraine. 

Some of these tactics are based on the long standing sciences of War. If you're in a military academy or a military University, you might know these.  Some movies may give you and I insight into military assault campaigns, or you might try your luck for general searches for these in Youtube.  But most of us may not know too much about Military and War sciences. 

We are though being challenged with this. The news is now filled with the information and critical commentaries on wars, assaults, genocides, land grabs and more in the news daily.  It is more readily available, even if we are "unwilling watchers" of this military work. 


old MIGS


High precision and hypersonic missiles

Kim Jong-un wants to bomb the US

DW Germany News



Suddenly, our world is changing. While 10 years ago, one could just turn off a program with political experts and commentators on it. But, now, they are ones with the first hand "reporting" on what is going on in the word. Why are they now in a role much like a regular reporter, a cultural anthropologist, documentary filmer, or sociologist? 

That's a good question, but maybe they were emerging in society in these roles, and maybe it's timing in human history. Do you have other ideas? Please put them in the comments below. Thanks


Well, one commentator says that our world is evolving and it does. And these things are clues of the world we are entering this decade, this century and this millennia. 


Carl Jung, pioneer psychiatrist / psychologist said that  in this millennia, man would face joining rough touch paternalism (drive by male energies), with the maternal. The deceased Jung said this would be a good time, of these combined energies. One would not have just the war nature of men / paternalism, but the added part of the half missing for man to utilize in his/her soul, the care of the Divine Feminine within. 

This is not a naive view of what the feminine is. It's not some caricature of a woman in a Kardashianesque show. This a strong and powerful female character that might be found in women or Godesses in other cultures. For instance, Yemanja is a quick acting, adept warrior when needed. She is from Yoruba African Traditions as well as Brazilian sects, in which there are many such as Umbanda and Condomble. 

There are the strong Goddesses of India, Durga, Kali, Lakshmi and more. 

We have little documentation, in general, of the history of women in strong roles in the last 2,000 years, as male dominated paternalistic energies were all based on the repression of women, which includes.....bummer..... documenting non of the true stories. For stories of strong women that were preserved, the information is deprecated, discounted, "discommended", disparaged, etc. 

synonyms for deprecate

synonyms for discommend

Come on, are you joking? Did this really happen?

Yes, there is a shocking void of the history and life stories of women. 

Now, I love the story of Anne Frank. Love it. But, that's about all we have.  It's possible that even with the War in Ukraine, that stories of brave women will be suppressed, unintentionally by all.  And, in many ways, the Ukraine is a conservative culture, where allowing women to fight in the war and rise to the status of being a hero to write about, has been stop at the starting gate. They are not there in the news, could have been, and history will be stilted and continue the promotion of just men. 

But, Carl Jung said that male dominated and "rampant male" energy will soon end it's commandeering, as the masculine and feminine are combined, or wed, in our souls and the soul of society, a balance. 

Life is not the caricature role assigned and allowed by men: 

It's not just the female heroes with lives and characters allowed as safe by me, the male paternalistic and domineering force.

Anne Frank

Women are allowed in caricature roles far....

 I love lucy show




Here are some images of the Goddess Durga. In that mythology from India and Hinduism, Durga was created by the forces of all the other gods, their sakti, to create a warrior that could save them from an evil force that was taking over the gods. They could not defeat that evil by their own, or in their own groups, but needed something entirely new, the female Goddess Durga.

Here are some images of the Goddess Durga. In that mythology from India and Hinduism, Durga was created by the forces of all the other gods, their sakti, to create a warrior that could save them from an evil force that was taking over the gods. They could not defeat that evil by their own, or in their own groups, but needed something entirely new, the female Goddess Durga.

Here are some images of the Goddess Durga. In that mythology from India and Hinduism, Durga was created by the forces of all the other gods, their sakti, to create a warrior that could save them from an evil force that was taking over the gods. They could not defeat that evil by their own, or in their own groups, but needed something entirely new, the female Goddess Durga.

Here are some images of the Goddess Durga. In that mythology from India and Hinduism, Durga was created by the forces of all the other gods, their sakti, to create a warrior that could save them from an evil force that was taking over the gods. They could not defeat that evil by their own, or in their own groups, but needed something entirely new, the female Goddess Durga.

Here are some images of the Goddess Durga. In that mythology from India and Hinduism, Durga was created by the forces of all the other gods, their sakti, to create a warrior that could save them from an evil force that was taking over the gods. They could not defeat that evil by their own, or in their own groups, but needed something entirely new, the female Goddess Durga.

Here are some images of the Goddess Durga. In that mythology from India and Hinduism, Durga was created by the forces of all the other gods, their sakti, to create a warrior that could save them from an evil force that was taking over the gods. They could not defeat that evil by their own, or in their own groups, but needed something entirely new, the female Goddess Durga.

Here are some images of the Goddess Durga. In that mythology from India and Hinduism, Durga was created by the forces of all the other gods, their sakti, to create a warrior that could save them from an evil force that was taking over the gods. They could not defeat that evil by their own, or in their own groups, but needed something entirely new, the female Goddess Durga.

(attribution: the above images are from but images 4-on appear to be newer art. One has a watermark for and another has the artist's signature. To find those images from, go to that site and enter Durga Warrior)



Here are some images of Kali, the warrior goddess that even Durga had to create or become to overcome a very dark evil.  They tend to be a bit bloody.



Here is the rest of this post, on Escalating methods of War, daily.


 Blitzkrieg (/ˈblɪtskriːɡ/ BLITS-kreeg, German: [ˈblɪtskʁiːk] (audio speaker iconlisten); from Blitz 'lightning' + Krieg 'war') is a military doctrine in which a surprise attack using a rapid, overwhelming force concentration that may consist of armoured and motorised or mechanised infantry formations, together with close air support, has the intent to break through the opponent's lines of defense, then dislocate the defenders, unbalance the enemy by making it difficult to respond to the continuously changing front, and defeat them in a decisive Vernichtungsschlacht: battle of annihilation.[1][2][3][4]

During the interwar period, aircraft and tank technologies matured and were combined with systematic application of the traditional German tactic of Bewegungskrieg (manoeuvre warfare), deep penetrations and the bypassing of enemy strong points to encircle and destroy enemy forces in a Kesselschlacht (cauldron battle).[2][5] During the Invasion of Poland, Western journalists adopted the term blitzkrieg to describe this form of armoured warfare.[6] The term had appeared in 1935, in a German military periodical Deutsche Wehr (German Defence), in connection to quick or lightning warfare.[7] German manoeuvre operations were successful in the campaigns of 1939–1941 and by 1940 the term blitzkrieg was extensively used in Western media.[8][9] Blitzkrieg operations capitalized on surprise penetrations (e.g., the penetration of the Ardennes forest region), general enemy unreadiness and their inability to match the pace of the German attack. During the Battle of France, the French made attempts to re-form defensive lines along rivers but were frustrated when German forces arrived first and pressed on.[9] 

complete article: 


Methods of War

3 parts

a. what's in a bomb?

b. the escalating campaign of the psychopath

c. Hitler Blitzkrieg







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