
Saturday, March 12, 2022

Why bears, horses, goats, and chickens must go, under Putin's onslaught of Ukraine

When a war, assault, attack, or onslaught is initiated and continued by a psychopath, there are all manners of devastation. 









I believe the latest tally on damages to all of this in Ukraine is now near $1 Trillion dollars. Yes, trillion.   That much has been destroyed. Some may be rebuilt, most can never be reclaimed. 







Russian bears


Russian Soldiers: dead without remorse by Putin

Maybe there are symbols or metaphors for this "destruction spreading out into all layers, levels, aspects of life". 


Here are my picks on this. These next graphics are of gamma ray bursts and the fanning out of the event. The next are tsunami's caused by an earthquake. 

Maybe there are symbols or metaphors for this "destruction spreading out into all layers, levels, aspects of life".      Here are my picks on this. These next graphics are of gamma ray bursts and the fanning out of the event. The next are tsunami's caused by an earthquake.

Maybe there are symbols or metaphors for this "destruction spreading out into all layers, levels, aspects of life".      Here are my picks on this. These next graphics are of gamma ray bursts and the fanning out of the event. The next are tsunami's caused by an earthquake.

.Maybe there are symbols or metaphors for this "destruction spreading out into all layers, levels, aspects of life".      Here are my picks on this. These next graphics are of gamma ray bursts and the fanning out of the event. The next are tsunami's caused by an earthquake.

Maybe there are symbols or metaphors for this "destruction spreading out into all layers, levels, aspects of life".      Here are my picks on this. These next graphics are of gamma ray bursts and the fanning out of the event. The next are tsunami's caused by an earthquake..


Maybe there are symbols or metaphors for this "destruction spreading out into all layers, levels, aspects of life".      Here are my picks on this. These next graphics are of gamma ray bursts and the fanning out of the event. The next are tsunami's caused by an earthquake..


 Maybe there are symbols or metaphors for this "destruction spreading out into all layers, levels, aspects of life".      Here are my picks on this. These next graphics are of gamma ray bursts and the fanning out of the event. The next are tsunami's caused by an earthquake.

 The devastation is total. Even after the event, the land is not


 tillable as it's filled with rocks and debris. 

These are the expanding desctruction caused by these events, as well as the war in Ukraine.  Yes, one psychopath can do all this. 

Does Putin have a heart for even the Russian Bears in Ukraine? He says he's saving the Russian heritage there. 

See this video:

russian bears rescued in Ukraine


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