The Umbrella of a Dark Disorder's Rage: Flies, Gnats, Scum, pt. 2
Please start here with part 1:
Now, know these, as they may help you in identifying danger down the road:
The Umbrella of rage is the basis for the psychopath's and entrenched narcissistic personality disorder's end results of damage, in your life or a country, of genocide, scorched earth, and nuclear war. Nuclear war in a country would be that actual bomb, and in your life, it would be a metaphoric bomb of total destruction of you (death, or a total smear campaign, etc., as used on Hillary Clinton and Rosie O'Donnell).
Under the umbrella of rage are these 300 traits.
And, if you click on 20 terms that pique your interest, you'll find another 100 terms to put under that umbrella.
The links will take you directly to that term at
Now, get out a notepad, and write!
synonyms for rage
- animosity
- bitterness
- exasperation
- excitement
- frenzy
- furor
- fury
- indignation
- irritation
- madness
- mania
- obsession
- outburst
- passion
- resentment
- temper
- violence
- acerbity
- acrimony
- agitation
- apoplexy
- asperity
- blowup
- bluster
- choler
- convulsion
- dander
- eruption
- explosion
- ferment
- ferocity
- fireworks
- gall
- heat
- hemorrhage
- huff
- hysterics
- ire
- paroxysm
- rampage
- raving
- spasm
- spleen
- squall
- storm
- tantrum
- umbrage
- uproar
- upset
- vehemence
- wrath
- wingding
synonyms for resentment
- acrimony
- animosity
- animus
- annoyance
- antagonism
- bitterness
- cynicism
- displeasure
- exasperation
- fury
- grudge
- ill will
- indignation
- ire
- irritation
- malice
- outrage
- passion
- rage
- rancor
- acerbity
- choler
- dudgeon
- exacerbation
- fog
- huff
- hurt
- malignity
- miff
- offense
- perturbation
- pique
- rise
- spite
- umbrage
- vehemence
- vexation
- wrath
- bad feeling
- ill feeling
synonyms for resent
synonyms for indignant
synonyms for indignantly
synonyms for indignation
- displeasure
- exasperation
- fury
- ire
- pique
- rage
- resentment
- scorn
- animus
- danger
- huff
- miff
- rise
- umbrage
- wrath
- boiling point
- mad
- slow burn
synonyms for resentful
- belligerent
- bitter
- hateful
- spiteful
- unsympathetic
- acrimonious
- adverse
- alien
- allergic
- anti
- argumentative
- bellicose
- catty
- chill
- cold
- competitive
- contentious
- contrary
- disapproving
- dour
- embittered
- hard
- ill-disposed
- inhospitable
- inimical
- malevolent
- malicious
- malignant
- militant
- nasty
- opposed
- opposite
- oppugnant
- ornery
- pugnacious
- rancorous
- scrappy
- sour
- surly
- unfavorable
- unfriendly
- unkind
- unpropitious
- unsociable
- unwelcoming
- viperous
- virulent
- vitriolic
- warlike
From Google and Oxford Languages. Sorry, no links, but we do always attribute content to it's developers. Search google for terms, first Indignant
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