Putin = Hitler = Vampires
= Vampires
= blood bath, rivers and streets of red blood
Who's the Nazi of the week?
What is the Blitzkrieg?
Star Wars
And, these other posts in the list to the right on the topics of Auschwitz, Hitler, etc.
synonyms for bloodthirstiness
synonyms for bloodthirsty
synonyms for sanguinary
synonyms for grisly
- abominable
- appalling
- awful
- bloody
- dreadful
- eerie
- frightful
- ghastly
- grim
- gruesome
- hideous
- horrible
- horrid
- lurid
- macabre
- shocking
- sickening
- terrible
- terrifying
- blood-stained
- disgusting
- grody
- gross
- sanguine
- sick
synonyms for bloody
synonyms for bloodletting
synonyms for murderous
- brutal
- cruel
- dangerous
- deadly
- destructive
- devastating
- ferocious
- lethal
- ruinous
- savage
- arduous
- criminal
- destroying
- exhausting
- fell
- harrowing
- hellish
- killing
- sapping
- strenuous
- unpleasant.
synonyms for atrocious
- awful
- barbaric
- heinous
- lousy
- rotten
- scandalous
- shocking
- bad
- beastly
- desperate
- diabolical
- fiendish
- flagrant
- godawful
- grody
- gross
- hairy
- monstrous
- nefarious
- villainous
synonyms for shocking
- appalling
- awful
- disgraceful
- disgusting
- disquieting
- distressing
- dreadful
- ghastly
- heinous
- horrible
- horrific
- horrifying
- shameful
- terrible
- ugly
- burning
- crying
- foul
- glaring
- nauseating
- revolting
- sickening
- stupefying
- abominable
- atrocious
- desperate
- detestable
- direful
- fearful
- formidable
- frightful
- hateful
- hideous
- loathsome
- monstrous
- odious
- offensive
- repulsive
- scandalous
- unspeakable
synonyms for heinous
- abhorrent
- abominable
- atrocious
- flagrant
- hateful
- hideous
- horrendous
- infamous
- nefarious
- odious
- outrageous
- revolting
- scandalous
- shocking
- unspeakable
- vicious
- accursed
- awful
- bad
- beastly
- crying
- cursed
- evil
- execrable
- flagitious
- frightful
- godawful
- grave
- gross
- iniquitous
- offensive
- raunchy
- stinking
- villainous
Sadistic Urge:
The sadistic nature of all psychopaths, even if hidden or veiled:
synonyms for sadistic
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