
Wednesday, January 6, 2021

When a Pied Piper is Gone, are they Really Gone?

When a Pied Piper is Gone, are the Really Gone? 


Actually, no and no.



No, they don't die. 

1. Pied Pipers just don't die. They may move on to another venue, town, or set of "rally populist followers", but they just seem to live on. 


And, they do what they do: they con, they take. They never stop this, they never change or "recover". 


2. If they create a void by leaving some venue, community, or group, they both move on to the next "bigger and brighter" coffer of innocence, value, souls, or wealth.....but, the void is quickly filled with other sub-Pied Pipers. They rush in. They need a place to do their own egoic thefts. 

Just on this very day, it was reported that Ted Cruz is jostling with other conservative populist leaders to take over Trump's current role, and take over his populist dedicated follower base: 30% of Americans willing to give fund endlessly, attend rallies, and absorb false propaganda and conspiracy theories to be spun in the future.  Will Trump easily give up? We don't know for sure, but only know he'll move on to a enterprise that is that of the Pied Piper: taking, servicing his ego, and filling his own coffers. He is raising 50 million dollars a week now from his voter base: this loss of presidency is the greatest money maker he has ever had, and he finally found how to work it all.

What we do know, is that this functions like a pack of lions or troop of gorillas: there are plenty of younger males ready to fight to the death to take over the top role. It may be bloody, or if Trump is so distracted with building casinos in Russia, he may piss on the Washington DC dramas.

No, they just get replaced quickly.

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