
Monday, August 31, 2020

What about the Dark Knot? Here's an initial purpose statement.

What about the Dark Knot? Here's an initial purpose statement.

Where Will We/Our World Groups Fight Their Battles in the Decade, 2021 to 2031?

Not in the known political, economic, social, and militarized places we see as War Zones now, but on our own streets with the hidden anarchy, racism, and populism of the extremist far left and right. They are right next to us, with a skilled, brilliant, and military science plans of influence and takeover via moving the public to believe their propaganda to distrust governments, voting, institutions, and all but themselves.  Now, they manipulate by distortions social media to cause peaceful protests and voices to give way to calculated riots and looting.

Masters of social media, they use broadcast information, and in some countries, are its managers, oligarchs, and dictators. But in all countries, they are the soft selling Populism and Anarchy via mind disorientation and manipulation of the vulnerable. Confusion is used to gain followers with many methods, including use of many contrived, seemingly innocuous but bizarre conspiracy theories. They are masters of what they do, brilliant, and dedicated with fervor to overthrow and topple, and to gain militarized, over dedicated, and unquestioning followers to serve their own needs. Those radicalized are your neighbors, relatives, friends, coworkers, and even benign seeming Uncle Ned. It could happen to you, unless you have educated yourself on this matter and retain your humility. (From AA, we remember the phrase that any situation could be me when we see another with a problem: “There GO I”.

The Dark Disordered function in two dark realms 1. the anarchist gaining social power, and 2. Dangerous malignant narcissists and political psychopaths secretly serving their hidden material treasure chest. Both are egotists, have power-mongering gains, and calculated as every move is like a chess game of life. They seek only their win. Both groups are antisocial, dangerous, freely will let the blood of any human body, or metaphorically let the blood of any person’s life or soul. Others are used then discarded, as the only humanity of value is their own. Most are racists, all feel they are superior, non are interested in peace, accord, empowerment/rights, or anything but planned and faked shows of dialogue or compassion of those suffering. Don’t be fooled: this won’t be cured with one good person’s election or one governments progressive reforms, because these Dark Disorder Persons are 10% of every population, and function with their evil intent in every corner of the world..


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