
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Know your Basic Pied Pipers of Hamelin

You may run into an article or reference to the Pied Piper of Hamelin as it is of interest in our time as these evil characters function in our world. International news, helping us to know our world better, has also contributed to the quantity, the plethora, of vampire characters functioning according to our basic rule:

They are in all places of the world, doing their deeds

They are in all times of history, and in the past, the present, and even the future (even your future) 

They offer something, but take more. See the Purpose statement above for a summary of this. 

The Pied Piper of Hamelin is 

  1. a story, cultural and passed on

  2. a myth and mythology, not in the sense of "fake myths and news", but of myths like myths of major concepts recognized by humans, such as the myths of dragons, the underworld and hell, heaven, God and Gods, Eden, vampires / sirens, the Quest and pilgrimages, and so on. Mythology is a collection of these symbolic, metaphoric, and myth concepts gathered into full ideas, stories, volumes of information, social ideas of, and more.   The Pied Piper has small pieces, the myth, symbols, and the character of the evil taker. And, the Pied Piper has a full story of an event, true or else it "feels real enough and important enough to be ""sorta true"" (it is said to "ring true' in our minds, not just your mind and my mind, but all humans worldwide).  When every person "gets" this story, it is what Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell called an archetype, a part of the evolving and expanding collective unconscious of mankind. 

  3. Interesting

  4. a story and lesson, where telling it benefits adults and children both: Grimm's Tales were often stories of warning of danger hidden in dark forests and seductive, promising evil characters. 

 Here are a couple of background references on the Pied Piper you may enjoy and find an abundance of information: 

From the BBC: 

The tale in fact has survived for a very long time. Originating as medieval folklore, the story inspired a Goethe verse, Der Rattenfänger; a Grimm Brothers’ legend, The Children of Hamelin; and one of Robert Browning’s best-known poems, The Pied Piper of Hamelin. And although each writer tinkered with the story, the basics remained the same: the Piper was hired by Hamelin to rid the town of its plague of rats. Trailing after the hypnotic notes of the rat-catcher’s magical flute, the rodents politely filed through the city gates to their presumed doom.

They weren’t the only ones lured by his music, though. When the town refused to pay the Piper for his service, the saviour turned into a more satanic seducer and came for Hamelin’s children. Entranced by the notes of his flute, the transfixed boys and girls followed the Piper out of town and simply vanished.

While the tale has endured, so has Hamelin itself, which still looks as though it belongs in a fairy tale. Boyer’s tour leads visitors past rows of half-timbered houses. There are 16th Century burgher manors encrusted with Gothic gables and scrollwork, and flamboyant wedding cake buildings offering prime examples of the local Weser-Renaissance architecture, all leering gargoyles and brightly coloured polychrome wood carvings.


 the rest of this read and some interesting links: 


 Know your Basic Pied Pipers of Hamelin


And, from the helpful Wikipedia  

origins of story



references and more:

Do check this out. As with Wikipedia, you get a fast overview, then if you want more, other links are provided.





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