
Monday, December 28, 2020

Pied Pipers are Everywhere / All Times Next Door: Offering Rescue , Even Brazil

 It's such an oddity, about these Pied Pipers:

they offer rescue, but then there is the Second Need, they're gone, out, ghosting...

The first need is the First Need, is the con they offer. They find a true need in the USA, Chile, Africa, or any place and country in the world. 

 Most times, this first contact with the Pied Piper and the First Need is one that appeals to human greed. That is very hard to swallow. It's hard for me to swallow the concept, that I am vulnerable to that. In all my "downsizing of life", and minor charities, just "How can I be vulnerable, and fall for that one"?

 Well, that vulnerable group includes not just me, all my friends, all persons I know, all in my community, city, stated, and country. Yes, these so smart Americans, every person is vulnerable to the appeal of greed, of getting, that it is a universal human concept. Indeed, Carl Jung said all good and bad elements a human being can have, are all, 100% in a person's soul. They are "voices within" or "characters within", (called archetypal psychology, for which part of my Ph.D. studies were dedicated to).  

These characters or voices speak up as we allow them too, but we repress good and bad characteristics*. 

One person may allow 

  • Social me
  • fun me
  • Quiet me
  • Educated
  • Skilled
  • Leader me
  • Creative
  • Artistic me

And, one may allow or repress good characteristics:

  • Sexy me
  • Spiritual me
  • And, so on. See my book at Amazon.Com, the Shadow Self Workbook, which is about making these characteristics conscious, and out "of the closet and basement". 
  • Here's that asterisk above: *, Archetypal Psychology says that any repressed form lives in all of us, and that in it's "allowed to live and breath state", is helpful to us, friends, and society.  That could include:
  • Anger
  • The Warrior or Amazon withing
  • Rebellion
  • Lack of Concern
  • The Masculine self
  • The Feminine Self

and so on. It's like the 7 Dwarf's are in us, and if we let them do their work, they're AOK, though each may be a bit brash in that pure form. Another analogy is the functions of a Kingly court, like that of King Arthur: there are many persons in many functions, and the end outcome, ideally, is a kingdom where all prosper.

But, if these parts are repressed, they show up in a bad form, called the "shadow form".  Each part of our soul, if repressed, can come out like a roaring lion, out of our basement, and take over. 

That is one problem of not recognizing this about our soul, all parts are in us, and we all have Greedy, Drunky, and Lazy within, even if we might castigate others for that characteristic, or parents might punish children for. We also express this hidden self when we are bigoted, and marginalized or show bias over others. 

This applies to persons, but also as metaphoric or symbolic persons: a community or country can be like one person with these characteristics. There can be good expressed, and there are hidden shadow elements, that are denied. 

That is the problem with persons or countries or communities: the shadow element is hidden, and then also denied. Not me. Not my town. 

And, it seems that Greedy is especially mischievous, and Always tangled with most every human problem at all times and everywhere. He's just doesn't go away an needs constant attending to by you, your society, and by me and mine!   In mythology, Greedy is that bad mischievous imp, and in movies, he or she is that taking vampire. In Television, Greedy is the taking narcissist of any show or crime documentary. 

Why is Greedy so Big? He's like a Super Mischief Archetype.  Greedy knows how to confuse us with other normal, vital, and society saving ideas and inner Archetypes such as:

adventure and pioneerism 

having wealth and possessions



These get messed up with 

rampant extractions of minerals and forests 


religious movements that kill and take over others


This could be a full set of books, but to summarize two situations. 

A. Good Old America:

1. the repressed and unconscious needs of Americans for 10 years, has been conned by the presidential Pied Piper, using the propaganda of the Populist / Psuedo Religions / Conspiracy movement

2. Americans, falling for the Pied Piper's Con, succumbed to the First Need

3. When the Second Needs came, the Pied Piper had extracted his "gold" from society, and was no where to be found. He's on his golf course today, while Americans are dying left and right from Coronavirus. That is the very nature of the Pied Pipers, all of them, worldwide, and throughout history. 

B. Brazil

1. the story is the same: I promise you goods, travel, money, homes, .......wealth. 

How many fell for this?  MOST!!!  And, today, even in popularity poles, the majority of Brazilians are supporting of President Jair Bolsonaro, a clone of Donald Trump with a full right wing Protestant Christian and Ultra Conservative Business and Political Base. 

2.  Brazilians have fallen for this, and they forgot the story of the Pied Pipers, and succumbed to the notion that Bolsonaro would save them from the "rats of poverty", and give them jobs, wealth, and right the government to some sort of "magical righting" (a magical righting with is not the solutions needed).

3. When the Second or further needs some to the population (well, neither Trump or Boslsonaro fulfilled any single promise of the first was all fake, and the Pied Pipers' rats are worse than the actual fair tale: the rats returned, hungrier). 

Well, having 13 books on this written, and 25 blogs, and mostly getting burned out with the US Pied Piper Story (well, traumatized by it, actually), it has been easy to see this in my second home, Brazil. 

1. People are in need: they do need jobs, money, education, less taxes, etc. They do need a refrigerator, a subway, a vacation, a movie ticket, a good meal, etc. 


2. But,  hidden in all of us is Greedy. 

Along came the Pied Piper and promised all could get all. 


Sold out to the Pied Piper and that propaganda machine of the full right wing Protestant Christian and Ultra Conservative Business and Political Base. 

3. Then, the Second Need comes. It's the closing days of 2020, and this very day, Bolsonaro, in the face of the Pandemic says:

I will not be responsible for the virus.

I will not have the federal government buy vaccines, and direct the deployment distribution

This is the responsibility of the States, not the federal government

So, Bolsonaro both denies responsibility, denies aid, and will not implement ANY plan, purchase, or campaign to vaccinate. 

In fact, this is the response of all Pied Pipers:

I didn't do it.

I'm not responsible

It's your fault. 

And, fuck you people, I don't care about your life, humanity, and by the way, fuck you again. 

And, both Pied Pipers has used a lie common just to the USA and Brazil, because it's just one of any cop outs a Pied Piper would lose. "It's the States Responsibility".  When ever Trump AND Bolsonaro found themselves in a sticky situation, they both "responsibility shifted" the problems and solutions to the states. This may be more common in the USA, but Bolsonaro is using a fact of Brazil to do this also: Brazil, is also like the USA, a union of states with limited autonomy and self-direction. But, in a time when an excuse is needed, it's just shifted to the responsibility of each State, whether it be California or Nevada, or Minas Gerais state or Amazonas State.  

Who loses: everybody loses, though the 1/3 political follower base of Donald Trump and 51% part of the Brazilian population that are followers of Jair Bolsonaro (his current pole's fan base). 

How dangerous is the Pied Pipers? 

When a story is active in society, it's a matter of life or death for ALL, ultimately. 


We now how this Pied Piper has brought the US to the brink of a half million deaths, and near 20 million infections, and most of the economic an business base destroyed from the Pandemic (for which the Pied Piper of Washington DC has been out golfing). But, in Brazil:


1. there is not plan to purchase vaccines. Indeed that is the statement of the world news today: there is no plan. Nada


2. there is no system to distribute the vaccines, where most countries, including the USA, long had military and  distribution plans. Brazil has NO plan, not trial runs, no organization. 


3. it could take until 90 days before States in Brazil organize against the shocking approach of their Pied Piper, Bolsonaro. The, that is just the time experts outside of Brazil state that a plan may just start. Then, there will be still the waves of prioritized vaccinations of health care workers and the ill.....before Jose Carioca gets a shot.


How many in Brazil may still get infected and how many may still die since this whole operation in Brazil is 9 months behind other countries? 


1. simply projects will lead to the unnecessary infection of several more millions, and the unneeded deaths of  100's of thousand. 

2. but, the infection rate and death toll is always greater when a Pied Piper is thrown in the mix of a problem like the Pandemic. Here's how: the Pied Piper sells only "their own rescue plan". They're not concerned with humans or humanity or Covid. They generate conspiracy theories and have lead to covid doubters. This ultimately increased infection rates and deaths for reasons that make sense to you. 

This news is NOT 6 months ago, but Today: 


President Jair Bolsonaro (without a party) said on Wednesday (23) that the best vaccine for Covid-19 is the coronavirus itself, which has killed more than 188,000 people in Brazil.

Without a mask, the president greeted supporters who, for the most part, were also unprotected and flocked to photos in São Francisco do Sul (SC), where he has been resting since the weekend.

In a live broadcast on his social network, Bolsonaro appears approaching a man who gives him a mask as a gift and recommends that the president clean the item.

"I don't use it, but that's okay," said Bolsonaro when he received the protection item from the supporter, who, like him, had an exposed mouth and nose.

"I had the best vaccine, it was the virus," followed the president. "No side effects," he said.

Brazil recorded 963 deaths from Covid-19 and 55,799 cases of the disease on Tuesday (22). As a result, the country reached 188,285 deaths and 7,320,020 people infected with the new coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic.

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon

Read the article in the original language

Folha de S.Paulo

Bolsonaro Says the Best Vaccine for Covid-19 Is the Virus, which Has Killed More than 188,000 in The Country

Club parties in Rio De Janeiro, and right wing fundamentalist Christian conspiracy theories parties in the USA: super spreader events that will lead to thousands of deaths. 

And, on the Amazon:





Pied Pipers are Everywhere / All Times Next Door: Offering Rescue , Even Brazil

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