1. Here's info on how to have fun with the word synonyms here. They make you a Sherlock, click here Sherlock and Synonym Clues
2. Any photo, on most devices click the pix, and you'll get an expanded version.
This Oxford Dictionary / Google post on synonyms for Clue is helpful because it helps define that term and also points out that the whole thing about clues is a process:
we feel something, or just notice something that "doesn't sit just right"
we wonder or question
we seek some direction with the matter
we gather information, pieces
it begins to solidify, like milk sitting in the hot sun curdles and smells. It becomes something in our awareness now
Then, we can take this on to other stages.
There is a hint:
There is a disparity, difference, a very first tip-off that we're onto something, though we don't have it tracked yet.
There is an odor, off-colors, feeling, dis-ease, unsettlement, etc.
3. It enters awareness, is an idea, concept, problem, clarity
The third step, then is one that may be personal or universal: we investigate, seek, become a Sherlock Holmes, use critical thinking skills, write something down, talk to others, use methods of forensics.
Step 3 is a very big task, really, but they all are. They require the exhaustion and super-computing of our brain.
For Step 3, I think this is pretty essential: how to have critical thinking skills. Here are some videos about that.
Here's a tip on those. If a person wants to use this as a propaganda method, to use "critical thinking" in their own perverted way, you can sense that from photos in the YT listing, and sometimes these are videos in the 6-7 minute range. It's likely those with more accurate info, but will take you longer to watch, are those that are actual courses.
Just be careful, because Wolves in Sheep's clothing abounds, even when talking about Sheep Survival Topics.
To get to step 4: that information is of some use, purpose, explains, relieves the tension.
Will we go to step 5, to utilize, integrate, make use of, make change now that we are conscious and aware?
Now, the 4 steps to get to awareness are much bigger and more exhausting than we'd first think. But, then, it's all about 5:
Will we do anything with this information?
or will we just put it to the side, put on the back burner as we do with much. This sometimes is a choice and intentional, but much of what is put on the back burner is done so because:
1. we feel information overload
2. we may feel that since we know the problem, we can now leave it alone, forget it
3. we lose the importance for the clues and findings: we forget that if a Mountain Lion lives near Boise, is stressed socially, and is hungry: it will eat a dog or cat today, and tomorrow. The same goes for crazy attacks on humans by the Puma, as stress causes that. Those crazy attacks will occur today, and tomorrow. And, BTW, let's not kill all the Mt. Lions like locals want to do: let's find solutions to live near each other, in peace. That could take even a couple of decades and several universities involved to explore, study, and propose solutions. That could cost million, but the work with that Puma could be the research used for dozens of other animals, developing a science of this.
And, we all need to know that this is the territory of the Puma:
Run, flee, tell others!
300 topics on this listed below in the Cloud Archive
And in 200 + articles in the list to your right.
Some of the books in Amazon links. If not there, search by title or "books Charles K. Bunch, PhD"
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