This is a post from an older blog, with critical short clips from PBS on the brain.
This is the change in the brain aiding prejudice and violence
Our Brain wants to believe the propaganda and Gaslighter:
Genocide and Death by Marginalization. Psychopaths using Propaganda
We'll be adding at least one article to this section a week.
Key to this section are these short video clips on how psychopaths use propaganda and develop a culture of the "in people and the out people", and that the out people need killed:
"Hang them All" Trump / Pence on Gays
first reported to the media Oct 16, 2017of this 2016 exchange between Trump and Pence.
Who has Trump scapegoated, reviled, and disenfranchised?
- Puerto Ricans
- Women
- Mexicans
- Dreamers
- Blacks
- Gays
- Native Americans
- all other races, groups, and countries
Or rather, who hasn't Trump scapegoated, reviled, and disenfranchised?
- Russia and Putin
- 4 Children who will inherit his legacy (just an ego trip really)
- and, that's all
Note: it is an oddity we've written about: psychopaths want to leave behind their legacy after their death via their children. But, this is not an act of love even for a few, but an ego motivation that continues the legacy of Look at Me and What I did. In fact, many psychopaths have been very ruthless about which child will carry this legacy on: a first child who opposes the psychopath father will be deposed or killed.
Gonna Have us a Good 'Ol American Lynchin'
"When the scholar said that states would still legalize abortion even if the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Trump reportedly told Pence, “You see? You’ve wasted all this time and energy on it, and it’s not going to end abortion anyway.”
When the topic turned to gay rights, Trump gestured at Pence and said, “Don’t ask that guy — he wants to hang them all!”
And, Trump and Pence grinned big and patted each other on the matter""
Last week, Trump spoke to one identified Christian hate group, and on the 17th will speak to a more alt group of the same. Gone is separation of church and state.
Did you see our other posts last week on Trump and Hanging of Gays?
See also articles here, as these 3 matters lead to violence, of the stigmatized group. The next group....might it be yours?
These lead to violence of a society against a group, even among those persons who deny they could be biased or violent:
1. rhetoric
2. propaganda
3. identifying any group as the "out group", and you're in the "in group".....developing division and bias.
(see the genocide tab above)
What do 1-3 lead to?
Violence unto death!!!
NOTE: rhetoric of violence NEVER goes nowhere. It always goes somewhere, in many forms of violence.
If you were to ask Trump what he really meant by that, there would be two responses:
a. if out in the open or in a press conference, he'd say he was joking, banter
b. if he was at a rally or alt right group of supporters, he's say, "yes, everybody feels that way.
Get your Lynching ropes now.
Lynchings of disenfranchised blacks by Whites in the USA
Psychopaths, Pirates, Vampires, and more:
Death and Genocide by Marginalization. Psychopaths using Propaganda
This section has just been started Oct 1, 2017.
Please check back as we collect our inside resources and world information resources on
- How The Leaders Create Cultures for Mass Killers and Genocides
- Death by Marginalization
- Marginalization Genocide
- Propaganda
- How Cultures of Narcissism and Psychopathy Start
- Prejudice: Creating groups of those IN and those OUT
- How the brain contributes to creation Minnion followers
- What can we do to stop the process?
Dr. Bunch
Updated method to access PBS Brain Documentary: How we all could be killers in a genocide October 7, 2017:
How the Brain allows Dehumanization, Propaganda, and Genocide, PBS Video
How the Brain allows Dehumanization, Propaganda, and Genocide
This is the simple formula found in this critical documentary on the brain:
Dangerous psychopaths exist in all cultures and all countries at all times.
They are everywhere from abusive alcoholic parents to church leaders.
They are always dangerous to some person, some animal, and nature, in some way.
If the psychopath is in a leadership position, they need brain washed followers to do evil deeds, such as murders.
Psychopaths cannot change from that or be rehabilitated or socialized....
1. Psychopaths' brains have a missing element: sympathy, compassion, caring
a. any act of caring is the con of self serving.
2. Naive people are brought to the "dark side" via the psychopath's propaganda
3. The brain allows this propaganda, and sets up the selected "vilified" group as bad and deserving punishment. This could be a religion, political group, race, or even just a different neighborhood of people.
4. These new minions of the psychopath now "believe" the propaganda, and bias, hate, hate crimes, and all the way up to GENOCIDES occur.
5. The most critical intervention is two-fold:
a. teach others about what psychopathy is and tell others they have to be stopped
"NO IS NOT Enough"
Remember, psychopaths and narcissists do not reason or negotiate without a self seeking plan. They do not get better over time, only more cunning.
b. Tell others what propaganda is and how it's being used on them now
(use your creativity here as all "glamored by the vampire" will resist listening.... Comment below on what you feel would work).
How the Brain allows Dehumanization, Propaganda, and Genocide, PBS Video
How the Brain allows Dehumanization, Propaganda, and GenocideEpisode 5 | The Massacre of Srebrenica
David meets Hasan Nuhanovic who describes his harrowing experiences of genocide during the Bosnian war. Can genocide be understood as a neural phenomenon?
I apologize but the whole video hasn't been found online, so here are 4 clips from the episode, each about 2 minutes long. They are preview clips so you might not be required to sign in to PBS:
What drives this: the brain's actual pain when we're being excluded:
What is "In groups vs Out groups"?
Genocide and the Brain
How does Empathy fit into this: fitting in, vs hating others
Other options to view the video if you have problems with these links:
Updated instructions on how to access this video now:
1. Stream it with a PBS passport
2. buy the series: very worth it
IF these steps don't work, please contact me via the contact box on your left and I'll find a solution and post. Dr. B
Psychopaths, Pirates, Vampires, and more:
Beautiful huh? The color is a warning of poison.
Psychopaths are the Seed of Genocides
It takes only one seed or spore
Plus People
add to that propaganda and people:
Supportive articles on how the brain allows brainwashing, including the recent PBS video on the Brain:
It is essential to teach, found in topic cloud below and in depth in Dr. Bunch's books in the catalog tab:
a. critical thinking skills
b. recognition of Propaganda and methods of

Ann Coulter Thinks ‘Death Squads’ Could Be The Only Hope If Trump Supports Immigration Reform
Psychopaths, Pirates, Vampires, and more:
Psychopaths are the Seed of Genocides
Yep, psychopaths tend to get leadership roles to accomplish their dirty deeds. That doesn't make all of these categories psychopaths. It's just that these Dark Triad types slime into the roles.
It is known that psychopaths tend toward these roles, as it helps accomplish their goals:
Possibly 8% of the population of these groups members are psychopaths, which is double the % found in the entire population.
Of prison populations, estimates are 60% psychopaths.
9 of 10 serious crimes are attributed to psychopaths
- business leaders
- political leaders
- religious leaders, regardless of religion
American Family Foundation, ex pastor of Boise, Idaho, Bryan Fischer, GOP Candiated Roy More, AND....and,,,,,
Strange, the GOP incumbant Trump stumped for ONLY yesterday in Alabama all support:
- recriminalization of homosexuality
- implementation of gay conversion to straight therapy (banned as false and dangerous by all US Medical and Mental Association)
- removal of all politicians supporting current gay rights, marriage.
a note from Scooter X: "We want readers to know that the majority of pastors, elected officials, and business leaders have a heart and conscious and have our great respect. Included in that is the models of Bill Gates and Pope Francis: concerned about people, minorities, and planet earth."
see in topic cloud archive: killing faggots, a history of the word and a history of killing gays by fire.
see in yesterday's Freakiest Friday post, Anne Coulter suggests genocide, The Purge.
for more on Bryan Fisher and other right wing psychopaths:
Bryan Fischer's "Christian" group is listed as a Hate Group and instigator of violence at Southern Poverty Law Center
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