
Monday, February 28, 2022

How much does your Narcissist or Psychopath want?

World situations, as well as those local to you, give great clues into what narcissists and psychopaths want. 

How much. 



Now, you may think that what is old history or recent history is not relevant to you and your future. Think again: written unbiased history is a pure document, documentation of this. It is critical to know. 

"History", it's documentation and story, is very much about this very subject:

who takes

why do they take

how do they do it


History may seem to be nice stories of when a painting was done, or what silly old man stole it because of silly reasons.

It is more than just fun stories that end up in entertaining movies, to join your collection of online Prime paid movie or DVDs. 






In this written history are still clues to our own struggles of 





Perhaps a thousand stories or movies could be written about just that one incident in England, of a Goya Duke of Wellington painting.


 In this story are elements of

The dramas of life

Importantly, the mythic stories of Robin Hood Stealing from the Rich and giving to the poor

The haves versus the have nots, the marginalized, the ignored, the humbler

Extreme wealth versus poverty, the art selling to today's wealthy buyers for sub-millions of $.

The Shadow Elements: what do we relate to in stories, why

What are M.A's, mythic archetypes, historical mythic themes, and M.A. stories (like the wonderful and complete stories of Homer, thousands of years ago, who detailed much about being mesmerized, taken in, recruited, sirens, hypnotism and spells that take one away from their intent and purpose). 

There is historical information about dinosaur tracks, giant pterodactyls, and Westward Ho.

But, it's possible that the bulk of written history is a detailed documentation and warning of the very themes of this blog: the impact of Narcissism and Psychopathy on the human condition.  This Narcissism and Psychopathy is something in ordinary day-to-day life, not those locked up in State Mental Hospitals.  These persons move freely and do their thing.

1. they are truly who they are, and don't be fooled, if one says there are entrenched, progressive and dangerous Narcissists, with true narcissistic and antisocial personality disorder, there are. And, if you hear that so and so dictator is a psychopath, find out what that means, because if they're declared as such, it's so so likely that they are truly that. 


This blog shows, they are your bosses, your lovers, your neighbors, Jair Bolsonaro president of Brazil and self-declared right wing Evangelical Christian that hates the environment and the Amazon, Covid believers, and just visited LAST WEEK in Russia, Vladimir Putin, after the second day of war in the Ukraine. Books below detail the degrees or spectrum of the 

NPD, Narcissistic Personality Disorder

And, the Political Psychopath, who is bent on recruiting and radicalizing followers with promises of inclusion, wealth, and idealistic conspiracy theories, lies and bias, hate and violence.  "The Ukranian leadership are all drug dealers: so rise, assert the "truth and your rights", and "take your land, even if it means assault, kill, genocide, break social morality and even your own former morality against violence and killing your neighbors".  And, Jair Bolsonaro, Putin, and any any leader of violence and genocides today especially in African countries, do so from the comfort of their own cushy palaces. They won't have a finger nail dirtied in all of this.

This Number 4 is where the Taking Magic is At

Spectrum of Social Violence, All of them, perhaps up to 10% of the population have these Dark Mental Disorders, which are called entrenched, progressive, personality disorders.  But, here's the thing about that spectrum: all of those 10% are violent, do destruction, take, harm, and self-serve. I personally don't see the difference between least to worst, but you may. I have seen as a therapist the damage of Narcissistic parent on the destruction of the lives of their children, neighbors, co-workers, and ultimately their local social groups. 



Please see the graphs that flesh this out a bit, at: 




 What questions do you ask about history and current events? If 90% of history is about the takers and the victims, what would you ask?

1. How much does Putin want?

He's spoken on this, he wants back the lands that were part of Russia's realm prior to the fall of the Soviet Union. 

2. How long will it take? 

He's in it for the long haul: he's removed term limits, so he has about 16 more years to do that.


Taking can be a robust take in a few days, or years long enchroachments

3. What else should others know?

One little tidbit, are those lands already brought back into the fold post the Soviet Union fall, as detailed here:

4. why would he want it?


A: study the goals and intents of the Dark Disordered here and the books below. 


Hint: for mostly hidden self-gain reasons. 




 See how this concept works, then imagine wh it might look like in 20 years:




How much does Putin want?

All plus 100% more is 200%. That's a good figure, but also 300% or 500% is even better.


Now, this is a current event, with history. It may seem to not to relate to you, but imagine if this were  a metaphor for your life under attack:



 Russian Empire colors Purple: West Russia Orange: Ethnic Russian States Beige: Putinlandia




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