I was watching this video of baby Stoat in England, orphaned, rescued and reintroduced to the wild.
As the British would say, Brilliant.
Yes, this video is so cute and insipiring.
As you watch it, and I hope you do, you'll see how nature has set up such brilliance in creatures. This little animal knows innately how to:
seek food
interact with a newly introduced other orphaned Stout
move out into the world: spread out to new homes and food sources in the hedgerows
I'm not too familiar with Stoats, but this looks like a small weasel that lives well in the vast hedgerows of England, likely feeding on insects and burrowing voles and mice.
Yep, found a confirmation of that here:
So, this little Choat, even though not raised by a natural mother, has an innate nature. It comes out, it acts on that, and it is consistent in all its life.
In fact, that and all Choats become more of that over time. Their "choatness" increases. It doesn't stop, get inhibited, or revert back to that gentle man's human character.
She will bite more, run faster, be sneakier, and kill both predators and interlopers....other Choats. This choat isn't intent on fighting other choats, but it is prepared, should it need to protect it's young, food, or life.
It is true to its nature, and becomes more of that over time.
This is true of both the choat, a new Covid variant, and the Dark Disordered:
they are all true to their nature, and continue to expand that, even if they are disquised, look friendly, or are not recognized as threats.
Who is Putin and what is his nature?
One leader says there'll be no invasion. But, it he just putting forth a "story" in order to protect his country in the only way he knows how?
When and how has he instigated wars or genocides, though orchestrating from his throne in Moscow?
Political Psychopaths Worldwide: We war and we win, nice, we don't win and I still win, nice also.
And, what is the nature of bullies, thugs, populists and extremists when discussing their "compatriots", those they relate to or think they have a relationship with, based on mutual Dark Disorder characteristics?
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